Google Buzz - New (Gmail) social-networking feature

I’m using my own domain with Google Apps- so I have the gmail service, just not the gmail domain. Google’s website says it will be rolling out buzz to Google Apps in the next few months… so I have to wait! :injured:

OK, so you’re a commercial customer of the Google App suite, like email, calendar, docs etc? Well, I guess its kinda stupid of them to ignore their paying customers like that, but perhaps that’s an indication of some indecision at google over the value of this service. Who knows?

You know, that’s a very good point. It seems like Apps always gets things after the main service (labs, chat, etc. were all late to the game). Plus your Google Apps access information is not the same as your Google Account access (for things like Picasa, Google Maps, iGoogle, Google Profile, etc. etc.) So I need to have both a Google Apps login and a gmail account!

Maybe it isn’t the indecision, but rather Google wants to have its own Google users who aren’t Apps users… but still.

hey man why dont you like it… i think its so useful for us and i am using it and getting some valid and nice results…

havent check it out… o well… we never really can tell what will happen or upgrades that they are going to do to overlap twitter.

i think you lose your privacy if you follow google bUZZ

It’s still opt-out is it not? Therefore whether you follow Buzz or not is irrelevant because you need to actively opt-out to maintain your privacy.

Google becomes a little more “evil” every day.

I heard something on news about a new project of google. They trying to force gmail users to join this project. Google will try to make competition for Facebook,Hi5. Maybe you know more about this and post something good or bad about it. Thanks

really i don’t like it

Yes, I have seen it in my mail, but never used it. Will it be like yahoo buzz? Has anyone tried this out?