Form phobia but i need to get over it

All of these?

I guess I could have missed that, or maybe the spotty browser support put me off from using them and I never revisited.

So gratefull for everyone helping me out on this and keeping patient. I will apply the above fixes early next week and update here :slight_smile:

Thank you so much everyone, big success now 90% of the data is getting pulled through! Yippeee :slight_smile: But…
As this illustration shows info entered in the additional info box is not getting pulled through :frowning:

Am i right in saying that the php needs something added in the top line? and its not a html form problem?

Thank you,

contact-us-test-form.php (7.8 KB)email-data-crunch.php (487 Bytes)

@lorenw @felgall @Mittineague Damn i just cant get the text box data to appear in the email… I weaked the php thinking that might be the problem but still no joy :frowning:

<?php $headers = "From: " . $_POST['name'] . " <" . $_POST['email'] . ">" . $_POST[‘textbox’] . " <"; $headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n"; // optional $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; // optional but nice if you want to use html in the message $subject = 'Conserve sales enquiry'; $message = 'name is: '.$_POST['name'].'
telephone is: '.$_POST['tel'].'
message is: '. $_POST['textbox']; $recipient = ''; mail( $recipient, $subject, $message, $headers); ?>

I feel like i’m working with hieroglyphics :frowning: Below is my problem illustrated:

Any insights welcome :slight_smile:

If the URL in your post #6 is correct, there’s a typo in your HTML code for the form. You have

<textarea name="textbox id="textbox"></textarea>

but it should read

<textarea name="textbox" id="textbox"></textarea>

The closing quotes around the name are missing, though to be fair they’re missing in the sample code above.

@droopsnoot Yes it works! Grazie infinite!!!

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