Female web developers

That’s a fantastic article. This part resonated with me: “Asked why she decided to become a programmer she responded, ‘No one told me I couldn’t do it.” It really shows how important it is to have good role models in fields so children grow up with a world of possibilities.


So how would you feel if guys made “Men Only Club for Programmers” or “Men’s Only Advisory Board”. Your idea is perpetuating segregation of sexes. It’s not special being a female programmer or even a programmer peiod. That’s like feeling special for doing math or reading.

Sarahfrantz you not having role models was due to you not knowing where to find them. When I started I found a mentor right away. I checked message boards. Internet Relay Chat is an excellent resource because on their there is no gender discrimination.

Sorry but I feel your “project” is sexist towards men and perpetuating the need that women need to stick together because estrogen vs testosterone is going to make a difference when programming. =\

I’m a Trans MtF so I understand both sides of the coin. CIS-genders people (here I am being sexist) most the time think gender in binary. When it’s not black and white. We are all one. So any club that perpetuates segregation is no bueno.

Try meetup.com for a girls only hangout for programmers. The terrible meme sitepoint released with a shortlink to this post seems to think that all women are actually part of a sitcom show and we think we program with an intuous tablet.

I’m curious. Where was that?

Facebook. It was one of those “What I think I do”, “What my mother thinks I do” things.


Hi Corinne, nice to see you on here. As I said in my reply to you on Facebook, we don’t agree with the meme but it’s a way to get people talking about diversity in the industry. It’s an important topic that we all need to have, because our industry isn’t as diverse as it could be.

I think Sarah’s initiative is fantastic, personally, because we don’t all begin at the same starting line. As much as we may not want to admit it, we live in a patriarchal world and men do have a head start. We don’t have many female role models in this industry, not with the popularity of Steve Jobs. It’s important for young people interested in entering this industry to see that is an open, welcoming industry that accepts diversity. Threads like these help us keep the conversation going.

On this topic, it’s worth listening to Jefrey Zeldman talking with Denise Jacobs on the Big Web Show. Right around the middle of the show, there’s an interesting discussion about being a woman, and of African descent, in the industry. It gives an perspective on the industry from that point of view.

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@corrine_cash - It’s not about segregation whatsoever.

This thread is making me feel a little hopeless about the situation. Going into a really lengthy and considered discussion doesn’t seem to be helping the cause. It’s very much an “I’m just one person, and I alone can’t change anything”.


Yes, a lot of comments seem to ignore the conversation that’s already happened, which is a pity!

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