Feedback needed

Hey guys what do you think of the design and UI of this site? What improvements should be made and what do you like about this site? Its a social media site along with a buy and sell section

Which site?

LOL i forgot to post the site

A 6.5 meg page is pretty huge don’t you think? The server also has several security issues which include broadcasting to the World your exact Php version.

You have well over FIFTY THOUSAND errors. I would say its time to go back to the drawing board.

Where do you get this figure from @benanamen?

Yes please. I see 412 W3C errors (with some warnings)
and 131 errors and 364 warnings from jigsaw

True, that’s quite a few, so “hundreds of errors”, but nothing near fifty thousand let alone over.

In any case, fixing those could help some with page speed.
Mobile: Poor 43/100
Desktop: Needs Work 77/100

The last one does say:-

Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.

Which is on line 1670, which is only about half way through the document, so there are more errors, though I don’t know how many, but potentially double that figure.
Either way, over 400 is more than enough to cause concern about the quality of the coding.


Thank you I will check on it

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