Favicon questions

That is good to know.

However, since I plan is to force users to use https:// on all pages in my client’s website, I just want the favicon to work with https://

Get everything on https, force the issue via htaccess (I presume), and if you can’t get your favicon showing up without the code, then throw it in, or come back and see if we can help.

Will have to wait until later to get my .htaccess file tweaked and add the code you gave me.

In the mean time, though, I did add your code to my index.php page.

Here is what I see…
FireFox: Shows no favicon, including in bookmark. (Might be a cache issue?)
Chrome: Good for http and https
Opera: Good for http and https
Safari: Shows no favicon

That is probably as good as I will get, although I wish FF had not become such a piece of crap over the last couple of year… :unamused:

They’ve been on a downhill slope for a while now.

Once you get it up and running on your server and everythings set up, come back.

Might very well be a cache issue.

Try directly going to your favicon file though in your browser, CTRL+F5 it, and then reload your webpage. You might need to do that.

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And FireFox is TRIPLE CRAP on OS-X!!!

(Yes, I have seen FF steadily go downhill over the last 2-3 years. Lots of unexplained crashes, caching issues - like now - menus not working, etc. So sad…)

I finally quit FireFox and when I came back in - and I through my .htaccess password prompt - my favicon finally appeared in my bookmark!!

I would have quit FF sooner, but I was in the middle of a 3-day project and couldn’t close all of my windows! :smile:

So, it looks like I have the favicon thing figured out and working. (BTW, glad you could find so much time to help me out on my Google-able stuff!!) :wink: :slight_smile: :thumbsup:

Oh, hey, my custom error-handling was throwing some more errors over the favicon. My handler said…

A website error has occurred...

Date:    2015-03-09 12:50:13pm
Results Code:    page_not_found_9998
Error Page:    /www.my-domain.com/favicon.ico
Member ID:    37
IP Address:    xx.yy.zz.aa
Host Name:    xx.yy.zz.aa

So I went to the coding style that I usually use for HTML paths, which is…


What I was suggesting was a legitimate reply to most of your original question. Why do you want somebody to write an in depth answer to your post when a ready written one could be found easily with a Google search? Some of your answers may not have been found that way and are a legitimate questions to post BUT if you had searched Goggle first you would probably had just the one question rather than multiple questions in the one thread.


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