Facebook Page - how to add link to encourage liking?

Hello. I wanted to know if there is a way to put a link or standing post on the page. I want it to encourage the user to click the like button and then once they do the item/post goes away and they can see the rest of the content on the page

Welcome to the forums, @Enjoliguzman.

I’ve temporarily unlisted your post, because it’s somewhat unclear what you want. Your title refers to Facebook advice “for the office”, which seems to have nothing to do with the rest of your post. You’re asking for help with placing a link (on your site or on Facebook?), but you’ve posted in Marketing.

Well in our office we are using our office Facebook page as a marketing tool. We want our current patients to like the page and new patients to find us. I don’t know if it is a link or a post that you use, but I know there is a way to put something on the page that says to click the like button and then once the person does it goes away.

OK, thanks - that’s much clearer. I’ll move this to the Social Media section. I’ve also edited the title. Hopefully somebody will be able to assist.

You use posts. The thing you have to do is to post frequently, and things that are interesting for your current and future clients.

Posting things like “We’re the best at this and that” will not work. You need to promote your company in such a way that people feel you’re not promoting.

Posts with nice pictures, short fun little stories and that kind of stuff do well.

Video too.

People like them and then it shows on their feeds, where their friends can see it. Eventually, someone will like your page.

Of course, those in your company who have FB might want to invite their friends to like the page, if they feel like it. But personally, when I feel forced to like a fan page, I run away :slight_smile:

Hello thank you for your response. I completely understand and know what I need to do as far as posting to the page to keep it relevant and interesting for the audience. What I’m looking for is
specific. I don’t want to know how to manage my page I want to know how to get that link on to my page. I have seen companies have it on their page.

Are you referring to Like Gating? So where a Facebook user has to like the page first, before seeing the content?

If so, this was stopped by Facebook in 2014 - you can read about it on MarketingLand here

Here are some alternatives as suggested by Social Media Examiner


Hi! To gain more likes for your page, you can also recommend it to your friends and you can as well send invitation to your friends to like the page. To get more likes, you can also tell your colleagues to do the same to help your company fan page. Just click the portion in the red boxes from the image I attached. Hope this helps!

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