Embedding Style Sheet Switcher

It is more involved than it could be because I added it to the previous instead of writing it as it’s own example.

Maybe some comments will help?

  function maybe_strip_class(elem) { 
// only bother with actual "tags" 
    if (elem.nodeType === 1) { 
// determine if the tag has a class attribute 
      var class_attr = elem.hasAttribute("class");
// if so, it's truthy   
      if (class_attr) { 
// get the attribute value as a strng 
        var elem_class_attr_val = elem.getAttribute("class"); 
// determine if the string has the text 
        if (elem_class_attr_val.indexOf("style_4") != -1) { 
// if there are other values there will be a space, but otherwise not 
// regex to deal with both to create a new value string 
          var class_attr_rem = (elem_class_attr_val).replace(/( )?(style_4)/, ''); 
// replace the value with the new one 
          elem.setAttribute('class', class_attr_rem); 
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