Customizing Scroll bar

You will need a jquery plugin as I suggested before and something like this has the options to do what you want.

Bear in mind that users may not know that the blue line and small bar is a scroll mechanism especially if moved to the left.


ā€¦unless you use keyboard navigation, in which case itā€™s something of a fail.


Yes thatā€™s the trouble with a lot of those and why I recommend avoiding custom scrollbars but we all know what clients are like :slight_smile:

There are some scripts that do handle default scroll behaviours so you have to look around and find the most accessible.

If you are only interested in webkit browsers then you can do some custom styling in css only (no js required) without changing keyboard behaviour and can do things like this (note I havenā€™t styled the horizontal scrollbar but it can be done in the same way).

Whether that is a good thing or not is another question :slight_smile:


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