Cubical - website with an interactive 3d user interface

Hi! Thanks! :slight_smile:

That’s all Javascript, but I’ve only written part of it. The base code was developed by geldoot at codepen.

Yeah, the UX is not very good in these versions.

I reposted this in another thread in the “Design and UX” category where it has undergone a few updates since then. The UX has been changed quite a bit. It isn’t “on the spot” yet, but I’m working on it. Please, feel free to check it out.

Going from one of the last posts on that thread, currently I’m making several other changes because there were many more problems that weren’t initially apparent. It seemed It required only some brushing up on the code, but actually it is more challenging than that. Unfortunately, I’m a little short on time (have to work at the same time), and can’t dedicate to it as much as I wanted, but eventually I’ll figure it out (hopefully). :smile:

:slight_smile: Those are two of the base ideas, to have a retro look and a different navigation system that’s fun to interact with. Although, I guess it could have a few more applications than those, but only when it’s completely finished.

Thx for your feedback!