Correct way to "remember me"

Sure it is. If I use frameworks and cut my time in half working in PHP, that’s ultimately less code that I get to learn and do myself. That’s less mistakes I get to make and learn from. Less time spent in PHP/JS reduces the point in doing these exercises. I don’t need more time in front end coding. I will not benefit at all from it. I need to crawl through mud and tackle PHP and JS the hard way.

If I don’t make mistakes, and get it pointed out, I do not learn. This is how I learned CSS/HTML and I do quite like what end result I achieved. I need to apply this learning to other languages.

In future threads I guess I’ll just make a disclaimer on this subject :wink: .

Trust me, I know the advantages of frameworks, you point out that I am familiar with front end frameworks. I do see the advantages but it’s been my experience that users who are more so beginners don’t quite get as much out of it.

[quote=“djsmithme, post:19, topic:156858”]
s just really productive in the real world to be able to say to clients, “yep we can do that, it will be secure and supported for years to come”.
[/quote]Well this is for a personal application so no clients are involved. Just my brain :slight_smile: .

I’m not really doing much security besides some basic PHP functions. PDO/googling random security functions is easy. Plug and place. What I’m doing is = I’m getting the basics of classes and functions down - the whole OOP crap. Which is helping me already.