Convertion in Google Adwords is very expensive. How can I improve it?

Hi Soapmarine,

There are 3 main areas that you need to focus on to optimize the performance of your AdWords campaigns.

1.Account Structure
2. Ad Copy
3. Monitor and Adjustment Budgets and Bids

Account Structure
When structuring campaigns try to mirror your website’s structure. For example, one campaign for each product/service category. Create separate campaigns for multi-region advertising.

Use one or more ad groups for each product or service. Try to keep your keywords within a single ad group tightly focused on a single user’s search intent. Every keyword within the ad group should have nearly identical meaning to the typically searcher. That way you can write ads that are highly specific and relevant to the keywords within the ad group.and point all that traffic to a highly specific landing page.

Be sure to include negative match keywords within ad groups that contain broad match keywords, else avoid using broad match keywords altogether. Consider using modified broad match keywords in place standard broad match keywords.

Ad Copy

Write compelling ads that searchers will find irresistible. Include the primary keyword you are targeting within the ad text. Write ad text that is highly specific, avoid terms that are overly general in nature as they will kill your CTR performance.Include a compelling call to action whenever possible.

Write 2-4 ads for each ad group, and focus on a single unique selling point for each ad within the ad group. That is an effective method of split testing selling points to discover which selling points your target audience finds the most compelling.

Choose the most specific and relevant landing page for the keywords within your ad group. Don’t make users search your website to find that page.

Monitor and Adjustment Budgets and Bids

Test different bid amounts and budgets and measure how effective the changes are, test bids for profitability and ROI, and test budgets for ad exposure. Wait at least a few days between bid adjustments to accrue enough actionable data. Make relatively small incremental adjustments, moving towards higher total profits, not necessarily toward lower click cost.


Don Burk

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