Content Shifting

Weird, its fine in my version. Do you have to do anything special other than refresh to make it happen?

Does anyone else here see this problem in IE11?

I assume you’ve cleared the cache and temporary files in IE just in case there’s something corrupted in there.

You are missing the closing tag to .outer_wrapper but I doubt that’s causing the issue but would do no harm in putting it where it should be.

Try adding the meta tag in case you are tripping quirks mode somewhere along the line.

<!-- force IE8+ into standards mode -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

That needs to be the first meta tag inside the head.


<!-- force IE8+ into standards mode -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

Can’t think of anything else that would cause the problem

No I dont have to do anything else to make it happen.
Yes they did.
I closed the .outer_wrapper tag but that didnt help. but thanks for letting me know lol…
No I havent cleared the cache but that didnt help.
That Meta tag didnt help…

This is what I see once I refresh my page…

This didnt help I tried to put it in the <body> tag and <html> tag but did nothing…its in there right there right now…the…

.html {
    overflow-y: scroll;

Remove the period you have before HTML. The code you have isn’t selecting <html>, it’s selecting ANY element that has class=“html”.

I did it didnt do anything.


Why is this page written inside a <form> element?

The page is a structural failure. Are you willing to reconsider your page structure? (I recommend putting the middle of the page in 2 columns using a css table and table-cells.)

In addition, there are two <title> tags at the top, and an ID <div id="PAP INTRO"> cannot be two words nor can it contain two IDs, and it looks like one cannot put an ordered list inside of a paragraph.

Did you ever run your HTML through the HTML validator?
Not that every error is a fail, mind you, but some are, and your challenge, if you wish to accept it, is to find them. ( Mission Impossible theme )


This is a “repair” of the home page. Not a thorough repair that fixed every little bug, but a coarse repair that changes the general structure of this page. Most inline styles, etc, are still there and waiting for your hand. Do test thoroughly. The “ShockLabels” page could probably benefit from a similar structure, since it contains columns, too.

I believe that I moved almost everything that I changed to the bottom of the CSS file so you could find them easily. There are a couple of exceptions where I just put overrides at the bottom.

If something breaks and you do not know how to fix it, let us know.

shock_fuse1a.html (9.2 KB)
style1a.css (19.0 KB)

which page are you speaking of exactly that has <form>? in my website iogproducts,com

How do I run the HTML validator? this website was handed to me when I was hired by the company I didnt make it…

Thanks for this I appreciate it.

I should of mentioned that this website is written in form in VB language and it seems like you combined my master page with one of my products page the code is a bit wrong. Ill give you my original master page.main2.html (4.5 KB)

Maybe I should of gone to the ASP.NET Forum for this hehe…

All of them?

I think the web page is fairly self-explanatory. The results are a bit ambiguous to a newbie, but that clears up with experience. The HTML validator plug-in for Firefox is easier to understand.

Browsers render a web page from the HTML, CSS. is a non-starter as far as the browser is concerned. If ASP language is on the HTML page (which it is on the master page), then that’s a problem, unless that page is used to generate HTML pages with content.

The code that I sent is the code that came down with the one page that I examined and partially reframed. I don’t know how you have determined that the code is wrong. I can assure you that it is better than it was when it arrived. The text does not flow past the right edge of the content section. That was the issue, wasn’t it?

I wouldn’t know an ASP if it bit me. If you need help with HTML/CSS, you’ve come to the right place.

Wow I have a lot of Errors… :disappointed:

Why is that a problem to have them together? sorry to be such bothersome im new at this and want to improve…

Yes that is the issue and I see that but that code you made does not render with ASP.NET vb language because it is just HTML and I cant see it in the browser…can I move this thread to ASP.NET?

ok got it.

Not sure whom im speaking too? @ronpat or @RyanReese or if your the same user?..but anywho i was told that my pages are structural failure and i am guessing that is what is causing my content to shift what can I do within in my pages to make it better?

ok .

So should I basically replace my the structure of my content I have with the one you gave me right? Examine each content you restructured in the HMTL File you gave and what you did? Even though I am working in I am still in control of the HTML…

Can you post a screenshot with the developer tools open (f12) so we can see what the browser is reporting. Here’s a screenshot of what I want:

Ok good - we are on the same page then :smile:

Have you updated to the latest version of .net (if that is what you are using) as there seems to be loads of bugs relating to ie11 and

How do I know what version I have? If and when I install it which one should I get 4.0 or 4.5? How do I install it on the server?

If the content shifting is not showing on your browser than it is just happening in mine dont you think?

Yes that could be happening as we often see in the forums that someone has a problem but only in their own browser. It usually turns out to be a corrupt cache, corrupt IE installation, corrupt script, or a corrupt plugin. It’s very hard for us to debug issues like this when no one else is seeing the problem.

It could of course be something about your setup that introduces the bug, or it could be an intermittent bug that just hasn’t shown itself to us yet.

I’m afraid that is outside my area of expertise but maybe this article will help.

The only other thing I can suggest (but may be a lot of work for you) is to create a stand alone page of the page that is jumping (e.g. test.htm) and once you have confirmed that the page is still jumping then you strip elements from the page to see if you can determine what the trigger is. I use this method when all else fails and it can be useful in pinpointing a problem.