Caption not going where I want it


Sorry for the delay getting back with you. Power has been off in parts of the East coast of the US since Oct 29 when hurricane Sandy blew in. Mine was off for 9 days. Others are still out.

I used the two pages that you posted and rewrote them using a “modular” or “boxy” approach that makes them easy to replicate, grow, or modify (in my opinion). If this approach appeals to you, it should be possible to apply these styles to your other pages easily enough. There are lots of explanatory comments.

I did not tinker with the text except to give it a tad more vertical space.

The image boxes are entirely new. You’ll have to decide if the two-classname strategy works for you or not.

There are no inline styles. Everything is styled on the css sheet.

Here we go…

  1. The outermost div is .wrapper (per your design). It applies some padding around the page and can apply a minimum page width, if desired. Useful for media queries. It also applies {margin:0 auto} to keep the page centered in the browser window should you decide to apply a max page width.

  2. The primary content divs are: topsection, midsection, and trailer. The primary content classes clear floats and are easily recognized section delineators in html.

  3. Most of the content is within <div class=“midsection”>s.

  4. <h1>, <h2>, <h3> and <h6> are the only <h#> tags used. <h6> is used as a “spacer” that is the same height as the <h3> header.

  5. As I wrote the page, the <h#> tags are outside of (preceed) the section tags. They could just as easily be the first item inside each section. Your choice. It makes no difference in the rendering of the page.

  6. Added a pixel or two of line height and a little space between paragraphs for readability.

  7. Most <br> tags have been replaced by <p> tags, and a margin-top applied to succeeding paragraphs.

  8. Where there were two <br><br> tags, I added another class, .doublespace, to the section div, <div class=“midsection doublespace”>, and thereby targeted the spacing between the <p> tags in that section (“Repairing backboiler lack of ventilation”) with an increased margin-top that approximates your original page.

  9. When hovered, the “How To Avoid…” and “Boiler Repair Blog” links do not cause the text below to jump down as they used to as long as the browser window is at least 1100px wide.

  10. The contact information, “.phone”, has been coded so it stays together better when the window narrows.

  11. The Google button does not show up on my PC. Presumably it works if the page is hosted on a server.

12.0. The imagebox div requires some explanation. It was simple until the menu of layout options grew. Now, it has a rule: each <div class=“imagebox …”> must have two classnames, the second classname tells it where to float.

12.1. The html for an image container would be one of these:
<div class=“imagebox floatright”>
<div class=“imagebox floatleft”>
<div class=“imagebox edgeright”>
<div class=“imagebox edgeleft”>

12.2. For a simple layout (one image left or right), the choice of “float[left|right]” or “edge[left|right]” doesn’t matter. The difference is that “edge[left|right]” also clears the same direction as the float which, when applied to a second imagebox, will put it in a second row under the first, whereas “float[left|right]” would put the second imagebox beside the first. That’s it. Examples are shown in the trailer section of the “boiler-broken” demo page. Try it; you’ll get the idea.

12.3. If perchance you want two images snugly side-by-side and sharing the same caption, just put both images in one imagebox (example shown in the trailer section).

12.4. Captions can appear over or under an image depending on whether the text preceeds or follows the image in html within the imagebox.

  1. I also used a second classname to apply unique styling to three of the midsections. Made it easy to apply special styling to those particular sections, especially their paragraphs.

  2. I recommend changing the name of all images so they contains no spaces. It’s a URI thing. Without quotes around it, the URI would fail (just like the name of your home page has no spaces).

  3. Yes, I went a little crazy with the images and captions to demonstrate layout possibilities. Delete, delete, delete. <smile>.

  4. There are 10 lines in css with the comment /* LAYOUT TESTING */. These lines can be deleted to tidy up the sheet a bit or can be preserved for future use.

After evaluating this stuff for a while, and if you have time, critical feedback would be appreciated.


/* FileName:  boilerrepair1.css */
html,body {
body {

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
/*    background-color:#fbf;       /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    color:#000080;             /* navy */
h1 {
    padding:.6em 0 .7em;
h2,h3,h4,h5 {
    padding:.75em 0;
h2 {
h3,h4,h5 {
h6 {
    height:66px;               /* a spacer.  approximately the height of the h3 tags on this page */

p {
    margin:.6em 0;
.imagebox + p {
.doublespace > p + p {

#wrapper {
/*    min-width:578px;           /* 578px + h-padding = approx 610px;  615px is another value worth considering;  or no min-width at all. */
    padding:1px 2%;            /* padding around the edge of the page. */
    margin:0px auto;
.trailer {
/*    outline:2px solid #fff;      /* LAYOUT TESTING */
.trailer {
    padding:66px 0px 120px;    /* padding-bottom applies lots of space below the last line of text */

.nav {
/*    background-color:#aaf;       /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    padding:2px 0px 6px;
.nav li {
/*    background-color:#faf;       /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    margin:0px 0px 6px 10px;   /* margin-left sets the distance from the left edge of the page */
.nav a,
a.button {
    border:1px solid #555;
    text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #ccc;
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 .65em #ccc,inset 2em 0 .65em #fff,  0 0 2px 1px #aaa;
    -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 .65em #ccc,inset 2em 0 .65em #fff,  0 0 2px 1px #aaa;
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 .65em #ccc,inset 2em 0 .65em #fff,  0 0 2px 1px #aaa;

/* CUSTOMIZED paragraph */
p.avoid {
/*    background-color:#fbf;       /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    min-height:1.7em;          /* prevents the changing line height from causing the text below this paragraph to "jump" */

/* CUSTOMIZED MIDSECTIONS via an added classname; some paragraphs are targeted with the adjacent sibling selector "+" */
.readblog p {                  /* targets all paragraphs in section .readblog */
.readblog p + p {              /* "+" targets all paragraphs after the first paragraph in this section */
    min-height:2em;            /* prevents the changing line height from causing the text below this section to "jump" */
    /* The adjacent sibling selector is not always practical.  Individual paragraph classnames may be more practical. */
.googlebutton p {              /* targets all paragraphs in section .googlebutton */
.googlebutton .redbutton {     /* targets the paragraph with the classname .redbutton */

.trailer p {

/* TELEPHONE CONTACT paragraphs.  Contact lines float left in the topsection and are centered in the midsection. */
.phone {
/*    outline:1px solid #090;      /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    margin:0 auto;
.phone p {
/*    background-color:#ddd;       /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    text-align:center;         /* text alignment */
/*    white-space:nowrap;        /* stops contact info lines from wrapping.  If enabled, these lines become the widest object on the page and limit the minimum width of the page. */
    padding:.2em 0 .3em;
.topsection .phone {

.imagebox {
/*    outline:1px solid magenta;   /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    display:table;             /* required for elastic width to contain text. */
    width:60px;                /* an elastic width; auto-expands to accommodate a wider image. */
    white-space:nowrap;        /* (1-of-4) permits two or more images to sit side-by-side in one image_box over the same caption; otherwise, unnecessary */
    padding-bottom:8px;        /* space beneath the image box. */
.imagebox.floatright {
    padding-left:20px;         /* space between the image and the body text */
.imagebox.floatleft {
    padding-right:20px;        /* space between the image and the body text */
.imagebox.edgeright {
    padding-left:20px;         /* space between the image and the body text */
.imagebox.edgeleft {
    padding-right:20px;        /* space between the image and the body text */
.imagebox img {
/*    outline:1px solid cyan;      /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    display:inline-block;      /* (2-of-4) permits two or more images to sit side-by-side; otherwise, display:block; */
    background-color:#ccc;     /* "missing image" background-color.  optional */
    vertical-align:top;        /* (3-of-4) space for missing image if 2 or more images sit side-by-side; otherwise, unnecessary. */
    margin:6px 0px 5px;        /* tweak the space between the logo and the caption here. */
.imagebox img.classname {      /* SAMPLE:  If you want a caption to extend wider than a narrow image,  */
    padding:0px 20px;          /*   give the image a classname and apply equal left and right padding. */
.imagebox p {
/*    background-color:#eee;       /* LAYOUT TESTING */
    white-space:normal;        /* (4-of-4) permits caption to wrap if .imagebox {white-space:nowrap} exists; otherwise, unnecessary */
.imagebox p + img {

a:visited {
p a:hover {
/* MISC */
.spacer66 {
    padding-top:66px;          /* using a second classname allows one to randomly add space at the top of a div without adding a line of html (the h6 tags) */

  1. h1, h2, h3 and h6 are the only <h#> tags used.  h6 is a "spacer".
  2. I recommend changing the name of all images so they contains no spaces.  It's a URI thing.
     Without quotes around it, the URI would fail (just like the name of your home page has no spaces).
  3. Tested in IE8 and Firefox 16.0.2.
<title>Broken boiler repair in south east London and Bromley</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="boilerrepair1.css">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<meta name="Description" content="broken boiler repair in south east london and Bromley">
<meta name="Keywords" content="south east london, boiler broken, Bromley, gas">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<meta name="geo.region" content="UK">
<meta name="geo.placename" content="London">
<meta name="geo.position" content="51.427364;-0.160074">
<!-- Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-28748983-1']);
(function() {
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
<style type="text/css">
/* Place any local/temporary css styles here. */
<div id="wrapper">
    <h1>Is your boiler broken or not?</h1>
    <div class="topsection">
        <ul class="nav">
            <li><a href="index.html" target="_blank">homepage</a></li>
            <li><a href="" target="_blank">waterleaks</a></li>
            <li><a href="" target="_blank">gasleaks</a></li>
            <li><a href="" target="_blank">about me</a></li>
            <li><a href="">Email A Question</a></li>
        <div class="imagebox floatright">
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="200" height="200">
            <p>CAPTION - Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle.</p>
        <p><strong>Broken boiler</strong>, or just a glitch, would you know how to tell?</p>
        <p> It could simply be a matter of relighting the pilot, replacing  a fuse in the spur or plug, or just topping up the pressure.</p>
        <p> All too often, central heating engineers in <strong>Bromley </strong>and
            <strong>south east London</strong> are called out to households that
            have lost heating and/or hot water, only to find the <em>boiler</em>
            is not really <em>broken</em>.</p>
        <p> You can avoid paying for nothing and losing your valuable time waiting for the <em>heating engineer</em> to arrive by carrying out a few simple checks. It helps
            if you are aware of what the most common tricks are that are used to flog unnecessary repairs.</p>
        <p class="avoid"><a href="" target="_blank">
            How To avoid the most common cons and rip offs</a></p>
        <p> Unless you have money to burn, or are particularly concerned about plumbers' earnings, you may want to check first and see to make sure that there actually is a
            fault. If you have done all you can and you really do need a breakdown specialist who works in <em>South East London</em> and <em>Bromley</em>, call:</p>
        <div class="phone">
            <p>Mon-Fri 08.30-20.30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0208&nbsp;265&nbsp;8822<br>Emergencies out of hours &nbsp; 0785&nbsp;273&nbsp;6626</p>
    <h2>Is electricity on or is the boiler broken</h2>
    <div class="midsection">
        <div class="imagebox floatleft">  <!-- DEMO ONLY. DELETE THIS IMAGE BOX. -->
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="240" height="160">
            <p>CAPTION - Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle.</p>
        <p> When you turn the heating on or run the hot tap, and nothing happens, you can easily check the following items. Just
            follow the items below one by one.</p>
        <p> All <em>boilers</em> use electricity, in one form or another. Check if there is a control light on, or maybe you can
            see/hear the fan or the pump. Maybe you have to turn the
            system on and off, flip the switch or change the timer
            selector or turn up the thermostat. Check that the lead is plugged
            in, or the switch at the spur is turned on. If nothing happens when
            you do this, you can change the fuse in the plug or the spur for a
            new one. This must always be a 3 Amp fuse, unless the manual states
            specifically otherwise.</p>
        <p> Electricity, water and copper pipe make for a tricky combination.
            If you are less than totally comfortable with checking or doing even
            minor jobs on it, don't. Ask a friend, relative or a kind neighbour
            to have a quick look for you; anyone who is competent will
            only need one minute to do this.
    <h3>No gas makes it look like the boiler is broken</h3>
    <div class="midsection">
        <div class="imagebox floatright">  <!-- DEMO ONLY. DELETE THIS IMAGE BOX. -->
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="160" height="200">
            <p>CAPTION - Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle.</p>
        <p> The next requirement is gas.
            Sometimes it can be interrupted, and if you have a gas cooker or a
            gas fire, just turn that one on for a minute to prove there is
        <p> If there is no gas, verify that the emergency control valve is
            on. This is the handle on a pipe near the meter. If it is installed
            correctly, it will face in the same direction as the gaspipe when
            open, and a perpendicular position indicates it is shut.</p>
        <p> Some <em>boilers</em> have a pilot light that must be on for it
            to work. Check to see that it is on, and if not relight it safely.
            Different <em>boilers</em> have different ways of doing this; the
            manual will tell you exactly how to relight yours. If it goes out
            occasionally, it does not automatically mean your <em>boiler</em> is
        <p> If the meter does work, double check that it has not run out of
            credit. Most if not all of these have a few pound of emergency
            credit that you can activate which should carry over until the next
            day. This is really easy to forget, and sometimes you just use more than you think.</p>
        <p> One of the most common causes of unnecessary callouts in
            <em>Bromley</em> and <em>South East London</em> for
            <em>boilers</em> that are not <em>broken</em>, is the card
            meter. Also known as a key meter and officially called a electronic
            token meter, there are two things to verify. The first is to see
            that the meter is working properly. They are delicate bits of kit
            and can go "tilt" when bumped too hard. In this case you need to
            call the Gas Emergency Service and tell them your meter
            doesn't seem to work. Their number should be on
            a label on or near the meter. You don't have to worry about whether
            or not you should call them. Just call and explain exactly what the
            problem is, and leave it to them to judge what the best line of
            action is. The number for <strong>Bromley </strong>and <strong>south
            east London</strong> is 0800111999.
    <h3>No pressure is as bad as a broken boiler</h3>
    <div class="midsection">
        <div class="imagebox edgeleft">  <!-- DEMO ONLY. DELETE THIS IMAGE BOX. -->
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="160" height="200">
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="240" height="200">
            <p><div class="imagebox floatleft"></p>
        <p> Most modern <em>boilers</em> have a pressurised system, invariably with a gauge that tells you the
            pressure. If it is very low, between 0 and 0.5, you probably need to
            top it up. The boiler manual will tell you exactly what the pressure
            should be. Most <em>boilers</em> will work fine with a pressure
            between 1 and 1.5, but the only way to be really safe and sure is to
            verify the value in the manual. Always err on the side of caution;
            if you are not sure what you are doing, don't do it.</p>
        <p> If your <em>boiler</em> is of the kind that has a tank to keep the system
            filled, check that it has some water in it. If you see two tanks, it
            will probably be the smaller of the two. It does not have to be
            full, normally about four to six inches is sufficient. If all these
            things are fine, the answer to the question is your <em>boiler
            broken</em>?, is probably yes.
    <h3>Fast help with a broken boiler</h3>
    <div class="midsection">
        <p>You need a boiler engineer who can repair central heating systems in <em>Bromley</em> or <em>South East London</em>, and can be there soon.</p>
        <div class="phone">
            <p>Mon-Fri 08.30-20.30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0208&nbsp;265&nbsp;8822<br>Emergencies out of hours &nbsp; 0785&nbsp;273&nbsp;6626</p>
        <p> I guarantee results or you don't pay a penny. If you can tell me over the phone exactly what boiler you  have
            so that I can verify parts are available if need be, I won't charge if I can't find the fault.
            Most people like that better than paying money when the plumber leaves,
            and the <strong>boiler</strong> is still <strong>broken</strong>.
    <h6></h6>  <!-- Read Boiler Blog -->  <!-- the h6 tags are being used as a convenient/consistent spacer between sections -->
    <div class="midsection readblog">
        <p>Read the Boiler Repair Blog for regular tips on saving money.</p>
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">The Boiler Repair BLOG</a></p>
    <!-- Please Click Red Button -->  <!-- No preceeding h6 tags?  This headerless section adds padding-top:66px via another classname, spacer66.  Could also have been added via .googlebutton more efficiently. -->
    <div class="midsection googlebutton spacer66">
        <p>Please click on the</p>
        <p class="redbutton">red g+1 Button  <g:plusone></g:plusone> </p>   <!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render  <g:plusone></g:plusone>  -->
        <p>to let me know you found this page useful.</p>
    <!-- Service Providers -->
    <div class="trailer">  <!-- Extra space via padding-top is provided in css for class "trailer".  No h6 tags required. -->
        <div class="imagebox floatleft">  <!-- DEMO ONLY. DELETE THIS IMAGE BOX. -->
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="160" height="200">
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="240" height="200">
            <p><div class="imagebox floatleft"></p>
        <div class="imagebox edgeleft">  <!-- DEMO ONLY. DELETE THIS IMAGE BOX. -->
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="240" height="200">
            <p><div class="imagebox edgeleft"></p>
        <div class="imagebox floatleft">  <!-- DEMO ONLY. DELETE THIS IMAGE BOX. -->
            <img src=" GIF 200.gif" alt="gas safe logo" width="240" height="200">
            <p><div class="imagebox floatleft"></p>
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Flue Gas Analysers</a> The importance of flue gas analysers in boiler repairs
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Baxi combination boilers</a> Baxi combination boilers in south east London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            South London combi boiler repairs</a> South London combi boiler repair specialist
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Potterton Puma Combi Boiler Repair</a> 100% successrate repairing Potterton Puma Combi Boilers in Dulwich South East London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Keep the condemned boiler you have!</a> Condemned boilers in Bromley can mostly be repaired
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            South London Emergency Boiler Repair</a> South London emergency boiler repair, almost ALL boilers can be repaired
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Local Plumbing Repairs South London</a> Plumbing repairs in South London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler Repair FAQs</a> Boiler repair FAQs that I hear most
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Plumbers in Dulwich</a> Plumber in Dulwich for plumbing and boiler repairs
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Saunier Duval boiler repairs</a> Saunier Duval repairs
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler Replacement Or Repair</a> Boiler replacement or repair; is it beyond help?
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler faults repaired</a> Repairing not replacing.
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Is Your Boiler Broken?</a> How to avoid an engineer call out when your boiler is not broken
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler Breakdown South London</a> Some boiler breakdown checks you can do yourself
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Locations Covered for emergency boiler repairs</a> Including south east London, south west London, Dulwich, Croydon, Bromley, Kent, Surrey
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            South London Boiler Engineer</a> South London Boiler Engineer who really is an engineer.
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler repair service; same day service throughout South London</a> Weekends, holidays, and out of hours
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Powerflush in South London</a> Powerflushing for central heating problems in south London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Central heating System Repairs West Kent and South London</a> Central Heating system repairs in south London and West Kent
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Water Leak Repair South London</a> Water leak repair South London is one of our key services.
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Central Heating Service West Kent, Boiler Breakdown Repair London</a> Central heating service for West Kent
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Radiator Repairs South London</a> Radiator repairs
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Home Boiler Repairs South London</a> Home boiler repairs in south London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Condemned Boiler In Croydon</a> A condemned boiler in Croydon can cost a lot less if you repair it.
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Gas boiler repairs in Bromley and south east London</a> Gasboiler repairs in Bromley and South East London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Backboiler repairs in south east London and Bromley</a> Repairing backboilers in Bromley
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Central heating cons</a> Boiler and central heating cons in south east London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            boiler breakdown repair Homepage</a> South London boiler repairs homepage
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Emergency gas leak repairs</a> Emergency gasleak repairs in Bromley
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            South London boiler servicing</a> South London boiler service
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Central heating controls</a> Fitting central heating controls in Bromley
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Corgi GSR council</a> Facts about Corgi GSR and the council
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            boiler breakdown repair south  west London Index</a> South London boiler repair indexpage
            <a href=""
            target="_blank">Potterton Profile Netaheat</a> Potterton Profile Netaheat repairs in south London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Potterton Suprima</a> Potterton Performa boiler repairs in south west London
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Potterton Performa</a> Repairing Potterton Performa boilers in south east London
            <a href="" target="_blank">Ideal Icos</a> Ideal Icos repairs
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            worcester Bosch CDI repairs</a> Worcester Bosch CDI repairs in south east London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Broag-remeha-avanta-repairs</a> Service and repair of Broag Remeha Avanta boilers in south east London
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Glowworm Betacom repairs</a> Glowworm Betacom repairs in south west London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler Repair South London</a> Expert south London boiler repairs
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            emergency-waterleak-repairs-southeast-london</a> Repairing Emergency waterleaks in southeast London

  1. The outermost div is .wrapper (per your design).
  2. Main content divs are: topsection, midsection, and trailer.
  3. The <h#> tags can preceed or be the first item inside each section.
  4. I recommend changing the name of all images so they contains no spaces.  It's a URI thing.
     Without quotes around it, the URI would fail (just like the name of your page has no spaces).
<title>Backboiler Repair Bromley southeast London</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="boilerrepair1.css">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="Description" content="backboiler repair Bromley southeast London ventilation">
<meta name="Keywords" content="backboiler repair, southeast london, bromley, ventilation">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<meta name="geo.region" content="UK">
<meta name="geo.placename" content="London">
<meta name="geo.position" content="51.427364;-0.160074">
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<style type="text/css">
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    <h1>Baxi backboiler repair in Southeast London</h1>
    <div class="topsection">
        <ul class="nav">
            <li><a href="index.html" target="_blank">homepage</a></li>
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        <p><strong>Baxi Bermuda backboiler repair</strong> in <strong>southeast London</strong> and <strong>Bromley</strong> is something fewer and fewer people
            want to deal with, let alone ventilation issues. The generation of youngsters that come out of "plumbing
            school" today, often have little or no experience with them.</p>
        <p>The central heating system that placed a boiler behind the traditional fire in the living room, was a revolutionary idea in its day.
            When it was introduced back in 1966, it took the market by storm. Not surprising when you add a very high reliability to an
            acceptable price and enormous durability.</p>
        <p>Even today, there are still many thousands of them around doing their job day in day out, and frequently being over thirty years old.
            The added bonus of not taking up any extra space, has no doubt added to the success of this model.
            It is estimated that 80% of all <em>backboilers</em> ever sold in the entire country, were Baxi Bermudas.</p>
        <p>For expert <em>backboilers repairs</em> of these and other makes in <em>southeast London</em> or <em>Bromley</em>, call:</p>
        <div class="phone">
            <p>Mon-Fri 08.30-20.30 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 0208&nbsp;265&nbsp;8822<br>Emergencies out of hours &nbsp; 0785&nbsp;273&nbsp;6626</p>
        <p> Apart from being hard work compared to working on modern boilers, there are other reasons why more and more installers
            are not keen to work on backboilers. Recently, the government decided to once again change the regulations. As was to be expected,
            the rules got tougher. This lead to the bizarre situation that some systems that were considered safe for many years, became technically unsafe.
            Due to the wisdom of some bureaucrats, we now have to tell you that what has served you fine for twenty or thirty years, is suddenly dangerous.
            This is now probably the most common "repair". What has happened, is that the ventilation details have been altered and now we have to shut
            backboilers down until the ventilation has been increased.
        <div class="imagebox floatright">
            <img src=" backboiler repairs southeast london.jpg" width="200" height="151" alt="Baxi backboiler repairs Bromley southeast London">
            <p>Baxi backboiler repairs in southeast London</p>
        <p>There are various other common problems with these and most of them can be solved.</p>
        <p>People frequently complain about lack of performance  in terms of rooms warming up too slowly or some not at all or heating being fine, but no hot
            water or vice versa. Details about this below.</p>
        <p>Slightly less frequent, but still happening a lot, is partial working. Hot water fine, but heating not coming on. Usually same cause but different complaint,
            is heating coming on, but not all radiators getting warm. The complete story behind this is on another page, for which you will find the link in the
            paragraph that gives a brief explanation on this page.</p>
        <p class="avoid"><a href="" target="_blank">Don't fall for the sales talk</a></p>
        <p>The next one on the list, is strange sounds. This can be different things from a quiet hiss to loud banging. More about this too.</p>
    <h2>Repairing corrosion problems with backboilers</h2>
    <div class="midsection">
        <div class="imagebox floatleft">
            <img src=" backboiler repair southeast london.jpg" width="300" height="277" alt="Baxi backboiler repair Bromley southeast London">
            <p>Baxi backboiler repair southeast London</p>
        <div class="imagebox floatright">
            <p>Baxi backboiler corrosion repair</p>
            <img src=" backboiler corrosion repair.jpg" width="200" height="134" alt="Baxi backboiler corrosion repair">
            <p>Baxi backboiler corrosion repair</p>
        <p>Repairing damage caused by corrosion, is more common than anything else on Baxi Bermudas and other makes of backboilers. The pump will suffer from it
            and the heatexchanger will deteriorate, which can all cause the radiators to cool down. It can  also lead to the burner being turned off more and longer, which adds to the
            problem. The logical result of this is often that the user turns up the thermostat. Now you have an increased chance of overheating of
            the backboilers themselves.</p>
        <p>Other common problems with corrosion are failing of the diverter valve and blocking of the feed and/or expansion pipes. The effect of this is either a more
            and more reduced working of the heating and hot water, or the failing of it altogether.</p>
        <p>The valves and the pump are often located in airing cupboard. Since these are usually the first suspects, they are the first things I check. So don't be surprised when the chap
            who comes out for a <strong>Baxi backboiler repair</strong> does not look at the boiler first. Luckily, most of the time the problems can be solved,
            but sometime it is just too late and big holes have rotted in essential parts of the boiler. The photos  below show the inside of a bbu as they are often called in the trade.
            The one on the left is the inside with the burner and the heatexchanger above it. You can clearly see the difference between the the part in the middle that is unaffected,
            and the sides that are rusted. The detail on the side clearly shows the bolt rusted down to less than half of its original thickness, and the big hole on the left.
    <h3>Backboiler ventilation repair</h3>
    <div class="midsection">
        <div class="imagebox floatleft">
            <img src=" backboiler repaired southeast london.jpg" width="300" height="276" alt="Baxi backboiler repaired Bromley southeast London">
            <p>Baxi backboiler repaired southeast London</p>
        <div class="imagebox floatright">
            <img src=" backboiler corrosion repaired.jpg" width="200" height="134" alt="Baxi backboiler corrosion repaired">
            <p>Baxi backboiler corrosion repaired</p>
        <p>Backboiler repairs of ventilation issues, is something I have found necessary in far too many homes in <strong>southeast London</strong> and
            <strong>Bromley</strong> where I went when called in for performance problems. One inherent downside of this type of heating system,
            is the inherent need for large amounts of fresh air to assure safe combustion. This can create a draft and people are tempted to block vents in walls and
            windows. Understandable as this is, it leads to dangerous and potentially lethal defects. The danger of this type of appliance is that when it is very easy to
            develop a defect that does not stop it from working, but keeps going in a dangerous way. You could compare it with a
            car that has a fine engine but a big leak in the exhaust. It will run fine, but the Carbon Monoxide enters the cabin and can kill you just as surely as
            failing brakes. Baxi Bermudas have the same risk. Blocking the openings needed to supply sufficient oxygen for clean combustion to reduce "draught", can
            cause CO production.</p>
        <p>What has happened, is that the ventilation details have been altered. For many years, if the ventilation opening was below a certain size, it was
            acceptable as long as it worked safely. Today, we have to shut it off if the opening is below 90% of the manufacturer's advice, end of story. It does
            not matter how many years you have had it. It does not matter if it works safely. We have to shut backboilers down until the ventilation has been
            increased. The result is that when we get called out we have to tell you that apart from repairing your Baxi backboiler, we have to do extra work. To
            many people, this will sound as an excuse for padding the bill. Since few of us are able to explain the necessity of this, it can very easily
            and very quickly damage your reputation when attending backboiler repairs.
    <h3>Repairing backboiler lack of ventilation</h3>
    <div class="midsection doublespace">
        <div class="imagebox floatleft">
            <img src=" baxi backboiler in southeast london.jpg" width="300" height="425" alt="repairing Baxi backboilers Bromley southeast London">
            <p>Repairing Baxi backboiler in southeast London</p>
        <div class="imagebox floatright">
            <img src=" corrosion baxi backboiler.jpg" width="200" height="179" alt="Baxi backboiler corrosion repaired">
            <p>Repairing corrosion Baxi backboiler</p>
        <p>What happens is that the lack of ventilation, lack of service or a small water leak in the heat exchanger can make the
            flames "dirty". By dirty I mean producing Carbon Monoxide. This is why ventilation is so importnt with backboilers.
            Not only is it absolutely necessary to make sure it works fine, it also helps to slow down the build up of CO.
            It only takes a very small amount of Carbon Monoxide to spill into the room to put your life at risk.</p>
        <p>A concentration of 0.1% is likely to make you sleepy, proceeds to render you unconscious and if the
            heating stays on, you are bound to end up dead.</p>
        <p>You should always have an approved CO detector in a room with a backboiler, and test it regularly to confirm it works.</p>
        <p>If there is any boiler that really needs a full strip down service every years, it is this type.</p>
        <p>Never block or reduce any ventilation openings; they are vital for your safety.</p>
        <p>Check regularly around and under the "fire" for lint and dust. The normal working of backboilers turn them into a natural vacuum cleaner.
            Household dust, lint and pet hair can clog up the ventilation openings. If you see any lint or hair,
            brush it off gently with a soft brush, or carefully hoover it up.</p>
        <p>If you are not sure your <em>Baxi Bermuda backboiler</em> is working safely, contact a local professional
            for advice in <em>southeast London</em> or <em>Bromley</em>.
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        <p>Read the Boiler Repair Blog for regular tips on saving money.</p>
        <p><a href="" target="_blank">The Boiler Repair BLOG</a></p>
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            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Flue Gas Analysers</a> The importance of flue gas analysers in boiler repairs
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Baxi combination boilers</a> Baxi combination boilers in south east London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            South London combi boiler repairs</a> South London combi boiler repair specialist
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Potterton Puma Combi Boiler Repair</a> 100% successrate repairing Potterton Puma Combi Boilers in Dulwich South East London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Keep the condemned boiler you have!</a> Condemned boilers in Bromley can mostly be repaired
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            South London Emergency Boiler Repair</a> South London emergency boiler repair, almost ALL boilers can be repaired
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Local Plumbing Repairs South London</a> Plumbing repairs in South London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler Repair FAQs</a> Boiler repair FAQs that I hear most
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Plumbers in Dulwich</a> Plumber in Dulwich for plumbing and boiler repairs
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Saunier Duval boiler repairs</a>Saunier Duval repairs
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler Replacement Or Repair</a> Boiler replacement or repair; is it beyond help?
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler faults repaired</a> Repairing not replacing.
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Is Your Boiler Broken?</a> How to avoid an engineer call out when your boiler is not broken
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler Breakdown South London</a> Some boiler breakdown checks you can do yourself
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Locations Covered for emergency boiler repairs</a> Including south east London, south west London, Dulwich, Croydon, Bromley, Kent, Surrey
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            South London Boiler Engineer</a> South London Boiler Engineer who really is an engineer.
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            Boiler repair service; same day service throughout South London</a> Weekends, holidays, and out of hours
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Powerflush in South London</a> Powerflushing for central heating problems in south London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Central heating System Repairs West Kent and South London</a> Central Heating system repairs in south London and West Kent
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Water Leak Repair South London</a> Water leak repair South London is one of our key services.
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Central Heating Service West Kent, Boiler Breakdown Repair London</a>Central heating service for West Kent
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Radiator Repairs South London</a> Radiator repairs
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Home Boiler Repairs South London</a> Home boiler repairs in south London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Condemned Boiler In Croydon</a> A condemned boiler in Croydon can cost a lot less if you repair it.
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Gas boiler repairs in Bromley and south east London</a> Gasboiler repairs in Bromley and South East London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Backboiler repairs in south east London and Bromley</a>Repairing backboilers in Bromley
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            Central heating cons</a>Boiler and central heating cons in south east London
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            boiler breakdown repair Homepage</a>South London boiler repairs homepage
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            Emergency gas leak repairs</a>Emergency gasleak repairs in Bromley
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            South London boiler servicing</a> South London boiler service
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            Central heating controls</a>Fitting central heating controls in Bromley
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            Corgi GSR council</a>Facts about Corgi GSR and the council
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            boiler breakdown repair south  west London Index</a>South London boiler repair indexpage
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            target="_blank">Potterton Profile Netaheat</a>Potterton Profile Netaheat repairs in south London
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            Potterton Suprima</a>Potterton Performa boiler repairs in south west London
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Potterton Performa</a>Repairing Potterton Performa boilers in south east London
            <a href="" target="_blank">Ideal Icos</a>Ideal Icos repairs
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            worcester Bosch CDI repairs</a>Worcester Bosch CDI repairs in south east London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Broag-remeha-avanta-repairs</a>Service and repair of Broag Remeha Avanta boilers in south east London
            <br><a href="" target="_blank">
            Glowworm Betacom repairs</a>Glowworm Betacom repairs in south west London
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            Boiler Repair South London</a>Expert south London boiler repairs
            <a href="" target="_blank">
            emergency-waterleak-repairs-southeast-london</a>Repairing Emergency waterleaks in southeast London

Off Topic:

Nice work, ronpat. Glad to see you back, and to hear that you have power again. That was quite a storm.

Thanks, Ralph. It’s good to be back in a world with electricity. :slight_smile: I live about 35 miles inland. I imagine it was worse for those living closer to the shore.

How does one create an “Off Topic” box?

You wrap [ot] tags around your comment.

Off Topic:

You wrap [ ot ] tags around your comment.

Very cool. Thanks.

Hi Ron, welcome back in the 21st century. I hope your experience was limited to “just a power cut”; it might be an utter nuisance, but things can be worse.

Easy is a relative term. Vertical welding, doing summersaults, doing a wheely on a roundabout and growing/modifying CSS are all very easy, once you’ve understood the principles and learned how to apply them.
I will spend the next few days’ bits of spare time on mastering this step, and no doubt will be back with more nooby questions.
Many thanks for the above.

Finally, after a bout of flu, a computer crash, and busiest time of year, I now have full access again and will try out uploading the changes.
I’ll keep you posted about the results.

Sorry to hear you were bitten by the flu bug. Always a bummer. Hope you didn’t lose any data when your computer decided to get sick, too. May you have better fortune in the new year.

Thanks, Ron, best wishes for 2013 to you, too.
It turned out be that Windows had collapsed completely rather than a hardware fault and I had to do a complete new install. No data lost as such, but I did lose all passwords, bookmarks ftp settings emails and so on. When I had it all going again and installed all access codes, I found that all the emails were still on the server and had to hack my way through nearly 10,000 of them to see which ones were obsolete in order to trim it back to a workable number. :nono:
Between finding the fault, fixing it, sorting the mess out, and regaining access again, took about a month’s worth of spare time. :frowning:
Now I have to get back into the routine of learning CSS so I can keep at least part of it in my head. My “handicap” is that I am great at learning stuff based on insight, but am very poor at retaining dry facts. I camp pick up stuff like how to use class and id to make something visible on a screen, but have to look up 100 times in books/notes which one should be used when; quite time consuming. I’ll use it for new year’s resolution to spend an hour each day to master what I need to know about CSS/HTML.
And then another half hour to an hour to keep up to date with SEO. :rolleyes: Work can really get in the way of drinking, as they say here.

Your “handicap” is quite a normal trait of adult learning. Adults tend to learn best when they can apply the knowledge immediately. Otherwise, things tend to “get lost”. We aren’t the sponges that youngsters are. I speak from considerable experience. :slight_smile: