Can this be created in javascript. A timer?

I wanted to bypass that. My idea.

What did you want to bypass?

Clicking Web Console.

Just seeing it on the seeing it pop up on the screen is simpler.

We are not using the console.

no, we’re bypassing it.

That’s right, and virtually all of that code from post #49 is used when NOT using the console too.

  var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
  image.addEventListener("load", listener, false);

The listener function needs to contain that command to end the performance measurement.

          function listener() {
         var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
  image.addEventListener("load", listener, false);

Nope, that’s all messed up. Go back to the code in post #49 and start again,

    <img id="myTimer" src=''>

  var image = document.getElementById('myTimer');
  image.addEventListener("load", listener, false);

  function listener() {

Okay - remove the console line and replace it with the line to end the performance measurement.


  function listener() {

  var image = document.getElementById('myTimer');
  image.addEventListener("load", listener, false);

  function listener() {

You still haven’t marked the end of the performance, which needs to be the first thing in the listener function.


You mark the end of the performance with the performance.mark line, which needs to be the first thing that happens in the listener function.


   var measures = performance.getEntriesByName("myImage");
    var measure = measures[0];


    document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = measure.duration
  }, 1000)

document.getElementById("play").addEventListener("click", onClick);