Calculate the number of working day hours between two dates

In POST#2 can you get just the minutes and seconds from both dates in seconds?

Then after your foreach statement subtract the base time for the day to get the difference.
Anyway, this is what I came up with.


function biss_hours($start, $end){

    $startDate = new DateTime($start);
    $endDate = new DateTime($end);
    $periodInterval = new DateInterval( "PT1H" );

    $period = new DatePeriod( $startDate, $periodInterval, $endDate );
    $count = 0;

    foreach($period as $date){

    $startofday = clone $date;

    $endofday = clone $date;

        if($date > $startofday && $date <= $endofday && !in_array($date->format('l'), array('Sunday','Saturday'))){


	//Get seconds of Start time
	$start_d = date("Y-m-d H:00:00", strtotime($start));
	$start_d_seconds = strtotime($start_d);
	$start_t_seconds = strtotime($start);
	$start_seconds = $start_t_seconds - $start_d_seconds;
	//Get seconds of End time
	$end_d = date("Y-m-d H:00:00", strtotime($end));
	$end_d_seconds = strtotime($end_d);
	$end_t_seconds = strtotime($end);
	$end_seconds = $end_t_seconds - $end_d_seconds;
	$diff = $end_seconds-$start_seconds;
	$total_min_sec = date('i:s',$diff);
	return $count .":".$total_min_sec;

$start = '2014-06-23 12:30:00';
$end = '2014-06-27 15:45:00';

$go = biss_hours($start,$end);
echo $go;