Best way to redirect old traffic in this case

Thank you again, dklynn. I really appreciated your post full on informations. Finally I had some time to read your article. I must say, as a complete noob on htaccess/mod_rewrite/Apache, I didn’t understand the most of it. But I still think that this is a good thing, because when I don’t understand completely something I tend to investigate on it further until I completely understand the whole thing and more. :smile:
I’ll take my time to study it in the future. If I could suggest you one thing, is to report your post above in your article. This:

In short: {protocol}{domain}/{URI}?{query string}#{anchor}

http://  %{HTTP_HOST}      %{REQUEST_URI}    ?    %{QUERY_STRING}
http://  /seo.php          ?    query=nothing+special

is extremely helpfull to understand how they works and how to use them.
Thank you again for everything!