April shout-out: What would you save if your house was on fire?

I can’t say I’d know where to begin. Assuming family was safe, photo albums if possible and my laptop as my backups are currently in bad shape. There are things that I truly can’t live for more than a few hours without. However, a hospital is nearby and phone numbers to the company that supplies these things are, relatively, safe in my head.

What house? I’m storing everything in the cloud now. :slight_smile:

Including your clothes and furniture? You must be right out of that 80’s cult movie, the Lawnmower man :stuck_out_tongue:

She got legs :smiley: … granted the cat does too but I don’ expect a cat to know what to do in the case of a housefire. :wink:


The quilt my great aunt made me (she’s gone, irreplaceable), my laptop (it’s my lifeline, and used for work and personal stuff), my phone (extremely useful, but much more easily replaced), and maybe my backup drive (for the stuff I no longer keep on the laptop, but would love to keep).

I can’t think of anything else that I’d immediately reach for. Other than my dog, but the original post said we’re assuming everything living makes it out fine.

Good question!

I have a couple of works done by a local artist that I love, and couldn’t ever be exactly replaced - I’d definitely take those. Next would be photos and my antique Hans Christian Andersen from the 1850s.

Also I’d have to take carry cages so that my cats couldn’t run off once we’re all outside!

All of my Hannah Montana collection. Duh.

I think I’d grab my fone, my purse, and if i had enough time i’d grab my family photos and memories n run out of there… But you never know until the moment comes I guess…

The firstthing that came to mind was my PC… but after thinking about it for a second, I would let even that burn! I really need to go out to shop for a new PC!

How ironic… if I had such a collection that’s precisely what I would be burning :stuck_out_tongue:

Myself, laptop, cell-phone, iPod Touch. Oh wait, these are on me all the time.

We’re prepared for some disasters, so we have a closet under the stairs with all the stuff for when the zombies come (except guns, those are kinda hard in the netherlands). Copies of important documents (insurance, birth, death, mortgage, passports, diplomas, certificates, taxes) are all in one place, ready to go. Also have bug-out bags with a set of clothes, first-aid, tiny flashlights, radios, and toiletries in them… which are used for stuff like camping anyway. Since there’s storable food and water in the closet, you can grab whatever and just shove it into the backpack. Keys wallet/ID wad of cash etc. Cats have their own passports (for vets, not for travel). We prolly should practice more grabbing the stuff and getting out while completely blind and possibly also while crawling on the floor. It’s strange to be disoriented in your own house, but it’ll happen when it’s filled with smoke and you’re half-asleep.

If it was wintertime I’d grab a blanket from the closet on our way out. You’re standing outside for several hours or more while the fire dept does their thing (my husband’s a firefighter).

What we don’t have is a fire ladder. We live at the top of a building. If the fire’s downstairs, we’re screwed. Ladders don’t come long enough to get us down to the ground. : (

Wow !! You’re really prepared for firestorm :slight_smile:

Firstly it’s hard to imagine such an event occuring in my house. I don’t know all the risks of a fire happening in our house but nobody smokes, literally everything from plugs to lights to heating and ovens and so on are all switched off and double checked before everyone goes to bed or leaves the house. The fire alarms are checked regularly and are relevantly placed within the house. We aren’t prone to bushfires or any other natural disasters (only one we’ve had in our house was a mini-earthquake which I almost had brown things shooting out my bum, but thats for another time!). We have a house dog that sleeps in the living room so I would imagine that the dog would be shouting, growling and making all sorts of weird noises to alert us that somethings wrong. Plus the fact that I’m awake for most of the night when everybody else is asleep. But again, there are definitely loads of risks, I just can’t see it happening. But touch wood! (As you do!)

That’s really nice :slight_smile: I’ve got a similar box myself with some…Letters :blush:, ID cards, some other documents and so on. Things personal to me. Some may find it weird but I have a small box full of all my old wrist watches that don’t work anymore. I’d be taking that with me!

Rudy. Epic Win. Epic. :rofl:

My Dad has a pretty big fire-proof (or it’s supposed to be, we’ve never tested it, I’m sure it is anyway!) container with all our passports, birth certificates, important identity documents, insurance documents and so on inside which I imagine he would take with him.

Now we’re talking! I like this idea a lot, when I’m older and have my own house I think this is definitely something I’d want to do. But how safe and sturdy is this metal shed? We don’t get any thiefing around here but I wouldn’t store such important documents in a flimsy metal shed, it’d have to be more of a small brick out-building of some sort with shutters, padlocks and probably laser beams! Haha! :lol:

Same here! And of course I was going to say I’d take my PC tower with me, I wouldn’t have time to unscrew everything to take out the hard disk drive! I’d want to take the whole system but I would have to make two trips on my own and it just wouldn’t happen. The thing I’d take with me is my desktop PC tower, my sentimentals box and perhaps shove as many little other important objects into my pockets and run for it! (Whilst screaming and crying like a baby!)

I agree, but at the same time, I think it would depend on what the fire is like…If the rooms floor your in is about to give way then I’d get out of there with no consideration for any objects. If the fire was in the kitchen and wasn’t too bad (but you never know of course!) then I’d definitely grab my PC tower and whatever else I could, maybe even make a second trip (sounds crazy but hey!). It depends really because if the fire was all downstairs and we’d have to connect quilts together to escape through the back window onto the conversatory roof then out the back, then there’s no chance of anything coming with me and I wouldn’t consider it either!

Lmao! :rofl: Brilliant! I’d do a dance around the fire too, maybe one of her dances, just for good measure! :wink:

So yea, my first priority for saving would be my desktop PC tower for my HDD, my sentimentals box with watches and so on and if I could make a second or third trip (I doubt it though if it was a real house fire) then all of my books. I couldn’t stand to let my books burn :frowning:

Andrew Cooper

PS: I’m sorry for so much text! I’m trying to cut down lol!

(only one we’ve had in our house was a mini-earthquake which I almost had brown things shooting out my bum, but thats for another time!).

Then you DO have a fire risk… unless there is no gas going to your house?

Fires happen after earthquakes most often because a gas line ruptures, then a spark from (anything) sets it off. It’ll burn til the gas co shuts the gas off.

My Dad has a pretty big fire-proof (or it’s supposed to be, we’ve never tested it, I’m sure it is anyway!) container with all our passports, birth certificates, important identity documents, insurance documents and so on inside which I imagine he would take with him.

If you have an old (no food in it) refrigerator, that’ll also work much of the time. It’s insulated. That means it’ll be the last part to burn. In both fridges and fire boxes, you have to watch out for moisture and rot. Throw in some of those silica gel packets in there!

my computer lol

but seriously it has everything on it

Damn, that would suck.

My laptop. And preferably the important documents if I possibly could.


Assuming everyone got out ok pets included, the only things i would be keen to retrieve is the stuff you cannot replace. My armed forces medals, momentoes, photos etc. Not everything can be replaced by an insurance payout.

This thread makes me think perhaps as well as having all my stuff on a thumb drive I should start uploading all of my materials to somewhere like Dropbox in the cloud as a secondary backup medium. I certainly don’t want there to be an emergency but having off-site safe-housing for my work would make sense :stuck_out_tongue:

me if my house is on fire the first one I would save is my life because I’m always alone at home…and I don’t care if all of my valuables turned into ashes as long as I live I can have it again…