Appending results to checkboxes

It’s a pity this topic is getting a bit sour, as there are valiant attempts to help with the issue. @cssbonding — I’m not sure why you’re being so gruff with people who are trying to help. There doesn’t seem to be enough info for people to get a clear sense of what you need help with. Feel free to clarify the issue. Otherwise, I’m tempted to close the topic, as it’s taken a disappointing turn.


According to Technobear, I have been doing that in my last post before Mark Brown posted again

As to accuse me of being “gruff” by all means close this thread and I will take this question to another site since no one in this thread wants to answer it, and for you to accuse me of being gruff, is pretty low on your behalf, sad to say that, but that what it is

If they can’t understand me what I said in the first post, why do they have to troll in this thread?