Appending results to checkboxes

What do you want it to contain that it hasn’t already contained? Do you
want me to write up a whole 400 word thesis for you? If it doesn’t work,
it doesn’t work, what more do you want me to explain?

I have already given full working example, if you don’t somehow see that, well what can I say about you?

As I said in the first post

Quit with the attitude. To be clear, your first post made no sense. I tried to make sense of it and provide a solution to which you replied.

Doesn’t Work.

Your last response does shed a little more light though


This code replaces the contents of any paragraph in the page with the response, perhaps you want append to add the content after the existing content as @m3g4p0p suggested.



$("p").append("<br><br>" + data);

My guess is that won’t work either though.

You’re welcome.