Another css margin padding

thank you very much. The video is exactly what I needed.

Would that I could buy you a beverage of your choice.

Is there a tutorial you would recommend?

A tutorial specifically for what?
In the video I’m using Inspect Element in Firefox to inspect the code and apply changes to it.
@ronpat posted a tutorial for Firebug, if that interests you.

You will see I apply the max-width to the image to make it responsive.
Next I give 100% height to the backgrounds of the menu, as mentioned earlier.

Lastly, something I did not mention before, I make improvements to the flex setup on the boxes you have.
First I swap height for min-height. In RWD it’s bad to have fixed widths or heights. If you must set a size, use max-width to allow horizontal shrinking and for height use min-height to allow extra height for text wrapping as the content narrows, or if text is zoomed bigger.
I then remove the % width value in favour of using flex-basis (the 3rd value in flex: 1 0 10em) as this is a more flexible way of setting the desired width of the flex items. % is OK, but can get too narrow on small screens as in this case and would require a media query to fix it. Flex basis will control at what point the elements wrap to a new line, it’s a bit like setting a min-width without actually setting a min-width (if you allow flex-shrink they can still go smaller if fully wrapped to a single column and need to squeeze still). The flex-grow setting will allow the items to expand to fill extra space if available, so they don’t always have to be that small. So you are setting a width, but in a less rigid, more flexible way.

FileZilla is my first choice when it comes to handle web sites. Sorry to hear you have trouble with it.

For trouble shooting:

  • If the transfer settings is set to not overwrite newer files the server time and client time must be syncronized. Better to set to “ask” and get the overwrite dialog.
  • Did you check that the correct file version was uploaded?
  • Did you check the transfer log, or view the log window, to confirm upload success?
  • Did you check that the destination directory was correct.
  • Did you check that the uploaded file’s permissions allowed public access?
  • Also check the transfer file type settings, binary ascii or auto, choose auto.

If all seems ok at your end, then your host maybe interfer somehow.

It's been a rocky path but my last couple of uploads did work. But I now limited my uploads to one file at a time, post-viewing both the source and the target files after I upload. And that my backups are no more than 4 hours old before the transfer. Really slows things down.

If interested in the experience, Initially I had extraordinary difficulty getting FileZilla to connect to my host. With the host’s assistance, finally did get the configuration set up – but with a really bizarre quickconnect signature that I never would have figured out on my own.

Upon that connection, I attempted to upload my entire site folder to my host. I do not know where FileZilla sent that folder, but it deleted it from my machine. (I did have a recent backup, but did lose the last 20 hour's work.). But I now seem to have acquired the necessary skill set.

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Thanks for the suggestions. And, more important, the reasons behind them. I shall retro-fit.

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