Maria Antonietta Perna shows how to use conditional tags in WordPress themes to load styles and scripts only when needed for better website performance.
Tag: mariap
Simon Codrington illustrates some stunning UI design ideas using CSS animation and gradients to inspire your creativity for your next website project.
Asha Laxmi walks you through the CSS length units you have at your disposal to size fonts like a pro: from pixels to ems, rems, viewport units and more.
Maria Antonietta Perna discusses three ways in which you can use SVGO to optimize SVG graphics to be used on your website.
Maria Antonietta Perna discusses CSS as being on the critical rendering path and points out a few solutions you can try out in your development work.
In this quick tip Jon Persson illustrates how you can quickly integrate the popular e-commerce services provided by Gumroad with your Jekyll website.
Maria Antonietta Perna digs into performance issues when loading custom web fonts. She discusses file size and FOIT and shows some cutting-edge solutions.
In this quick tip, Jelena Jovanovic shows how to customize the Telescope Nova theme, both markup and stylesheet with these easy-to-follow steps.
Maria Antonietta Perna introduces Velocity JS, a super featured JavaScript library for DOM animation, and shows how to use it without jQuery dependency.
Maria Antonietta Perna introduces five image formats for the web: JPG, GIF, PNG, SVG and WebP and explains how to choose the right image format for the web.
In this quick tip, Jon Persson shows how to build a customizable HTML widget for the static website generator Jekyll in a few simple steps.
Maria Antonietta Perna introduces BEM, SMACSS and eCSS, three CSS architecture methodologies to help you write clean and maintainable CSS code.
Maria Antonietta Perna shows why SVG images can be great for website performance, provided you follow a few simple steps when you design and export them
Maria Antonietta Perna introduces three HTML minification tools to automate optimization of your markup for a faster website and better user experience.
Nitish Kumar shows seven ways in which CSS Grid Layout lets front-end developers quickly and intuitively place content on the web.
Gajendar Singh walks you through HTML5 custom data attributes, why they're useful, how to style them with CSS and manipulate them with JavaScript and jQuery
Nitish Kumar shows how you can quickly order and align content using the shiny new CSS Grid Layout module.
Maria Antonietta Perna presents some front-end learning resources and the new SitePoint Premium's CSS Animation course by Donovan Hutchinson
CSS animations are fast becoming an essential design tool and tap into a more engaged audience through micro interactions and visual validation.
Nitish Kumar gets close and personal with the workings of the auto-placement algorithm in the CSS Grid Layout module
Maria Antonietta Perna introduces KUTE.js, a versatile library as her second installment in the Beyond CSS: Dynamic DOM Animation Libraries series.
Asha Laxmi shows how to use the new backdrop-filter CSS property to create stunning visual effects directly in the browser.
Maria Antonietta Perna shows how the decision of open sourcing Bootstrap, the popular front-end framework, was key to its growth and success.
In this first article of a series on dynamic DOM animation, Maria Antonietta Perna explores Anime.js, a new library to make the web come to life.
In this article, Taulant Spahiu explains why the cards layout is so popular on the web and how you can quickly achieve it using Bootcards.
Maria Antonietta Perna introduces Cutestrap, a brand new Sass-based CSS framework to fast-track your front-end development projects.