Bruno looks at a workshop-laden conference in Rovinj, Croatia - the annual PHP Summer Camp. What did we work on this year? Who came? Find out in the review!
Tag: ezpublish
PHP Summer Camp 2015 Review
Getting Started with eZ Platform on Vagrant
Bruno revisits eZ Publish, now eZ Platform, and takes a look at the new installation experience. You can now get started with eZ on Vagrant in minutes!
Joomla’s Coming of Age
Joomla has received many, many updates over the years, and the most recent versions are better than ever. Read Adedayo's list of the most important changes!
9 reasons to consider eZ Publish CMS for your next web project
Ivo Lukac explains why he feels eZ Publish is the right choice for your next CMS, especially if your project is a large one
13 Steps to Get eZ Publish 5.x to Work on Homestead
Is it possible to get eZ Publish up and running in a Vagrant box hosted on Windows? Let's find out.
Announcing PHP Summer Camp
PHP Summer Camp is an annual hands-on workshop conference in Rovinj, Croatia, focusing on eZ Publish and Symfony2, taking place from September 3rd to 6th