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Whether you’re a newcomer to Linux or an experienced system administrator, the Ubuntu Linux Bible provides what you need to get the most out of one the world’s top Linux distributions. Clear, step-by-step instructions cover everything from installing Ubuntu and creating your desktop, to writing shell scripts and setting up file sharing on your network. This up-to-date guide covers the latest Ubuntu release with long-term support (version 20.04 ) as well as the previous version. Throughout the book, numerous examples, figures, and review questions with answers ensure that you will fully understand each key topic.
Organized into four parts, the book offers you the flexibility to master the basics in the "Getting Started with Ubuntu Linux” section, or to skip directly to more advanced tasks. "Ubuntu for Desktop Users” shows you how to setup email, surf the web, play games, and create and publish documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. “Ubuntu for System Administrators" covers user administration, system backup, device management, network configuration, and other fundamentals of Linux administration. The book’s final section, "Configuring Servers on Ubuntu," teaches you to use Ubuntu to support network servers for the web, e-mail, print services, networked file sharing, DHCP (network address management), and DNS (network name/address resolution). This comprehensive, easy-to-use guide will help you:
Ubuntu Linux Bible is a must-have for anyone looking for an accessible, step-by-step tutorial on this hugely popular Linux operating system.
David Clinton
David is a Linux server admin who has worked with IT infrastructure in both academic and enterprise environments. He has authored books—including Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches (Manning Publications, 2017) and Linux in Action (Manning Publications, 2018)—and created more than 15 video courses teaching Amazon Web Services and Linux administration, server virtualization, and IT security for Pluralsight.
In a “previous life,” David spent 20 years as a high school teacher. He currently lives in Toronto, Canada, with his wife and family and can be reached through his website:
Christopher Negus
Chris Negus is a principal technical writer for Red Hat, Inc. In more than a decade with Red Hat, Chris has taught hundreds of IT professionals to become Red Hat Certified Engineers (RHCEs), and he has written scores of documents on everything from Linux to virtualization to cloud computing and containerization.
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