I like the book. It exposed a couple of tricks I had always wanted to learn.
JavaScript becomes so much easier when you have the right tools. This book will show you how to work faster and smarter using Babel, Webpack 4, Gulp, some must-have VS code extensions and much more.
There’s no doubt that the JavaScript ecosystem changes fast. Not only are new tools and frameworks introduced and developed at a rapid rate, the language itself has undergone big changes with the introduction of ES2015 (aka ES6). Understandably, many articles have been written complaining about how difficult it is to learn modern JavaScript development these days. We're aiming to minimize that confusion with this set of books on modern JavaScript.
This book outlines essential tools and skills that every modern JavaScript developer should know. It contains:
This book is for all front-end developers who wish to improve their JavaScript skills. You’ll need to be familiar with HTML and CSS and have a reasonable level of understanding of JavaScript in order to follow the discussion.
Prefer to just buy the book? You can find it here on Amazon or as part of the four book Modern Javascript Collection
This book is for all front-end developers who wish to improve their JavaScript skills. You’ll need to be familiar with HTML and CSS and have a reasonable level of understanding of JavaScript in order to follow the discussion.
I like the book. It exposed a couple of tricks I had always wanted to learn.
There's no doubt that the java script ecosystem changes fast, not only for new tools and framework introduced and developed at the rapid rate. This book outlines essentials java script tools and skills that every modern java script developer should know including babel, there is no doubt that the java script ecosystem change fast. Simple code for modern java script tools and skills books from safari books online.
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