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Kubernetes, Microservices and DevOps
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Kubernetes, Microservices and DevOps
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Conventions Used
Core Concepts
Hard Core: Kubernetes Core Concepts
Assistant to the Regional Manager: Installing and Managing Kubernetes
Object of Affection: Kubernetes Objects
Cluster Interaction: Kubernetes Clusters
Deploy, There! Kubernetes Deployments
All Wrapped Up in a Pretty Little Package! Package Management
The Monster Mesh: Networking and Service Mesh
Service Mesh
Jude Aakjaer - The Power of Kubernetes' Operator Pattern
Whats the best tech thing you’ve read recently? Why?
How did you get started in Kubernetes? What do people need to know before they take the plunge? Do you have an obvious route you suggest to people?
How do you convince someone that this stuff is worthwhile? Is there a certain kind of developer who wants/needs to use this stuff?
What does Operator mean for prospective Kubernetes devs?
Where do you see it going from here?
Also, describe something cool you built or designed.
Spec Ops: The Operator Pattern
Hats Off to You: Operator Framework
Fit the Bill: Kubebuilder
Crux of the Meta: Metacontroller
Interviewsioning: Nick Janetakis, self-taught, full-stack dev and teacher
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Using Kubernetes IRL
Wrapping Things Up
Case Studies and #inspo
Help Getting Started
Serving Time: Kubernetes and Serverless
Back to the Future: The Future of Kubernetes
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