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UI/UX front-End Developer/Designer

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Saxon Global
Job location
Richmond, United States
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Job details

Client Brief

Client is seeking a UI/UX front-End Developer/Designer Specialist for its ECM applications. The person will be responsible for responsive application development in VueJS, team style guide coordination and development, Front-End development with Javascript and CSS, wireframes, and creation of layout templates.

The contractor should have extensive experience creating websites, responsive design for mobile platforms, and optimizing page performance.

The contractor should be familiar with Visual Studio Code, Git, HTML, CSS, Javascript, VueJS, Quasar and using these tools to manipulate the DOM.

* Maintains user experience standards (UX) across the ECM portfolio. Ensuring compliance with State and Agency and team standards.

* Create a central ECM repository of approved styles, templates and examples.

* Mockup, Design and Develop applications and sites for clients using VueJS, HTML, CSS, JS, SharePoint rest APIs.

*Work with on prem SharePoint to maintain and build master pages, pages and templates and layouts. Agile/Scrum.

Required Skills, 7+ years of each
  • Ability to build and debug progressive VueJS webapps and ability to integrate with backend SharePoint On-Premises rest APIs. Prefer experience in a .net environment. (Quasar)
  • User Centered design principles with Ability to read and generate wireframes, story boards, interactive mockups for users and style guides for developers.
  • Ability to effectively communicate, organize, coordinate and align standards between disparate teams into a comprehensive style standard and guide.
  • Desired: Ability to write powershell / c# applications using CSOM, PNP SharePoint and SSOM to manage SharePoint sites.

Skills Matrix


Years Used

Last Used

Ability to build and debug progressive VueJS webapps and ability to integrate with backend SharePoint On-Premise rest APIs. Prefer experience in a .net environment. (Quasar)

User Centered design principles with Ability to read and generate wireframes, story boards, interactive mockups for users and style guides for developers.

Ability to effectively communicate, organize, coordinate and align standards between disparate teams into a comprehensive style standard and guide.

Desired: Ability to write powershell / c# applications using CSOM, PNP SharePoint and SSOM to manage SharePoint sites.

This position will assist the PM from the ECM side. Work is split between design work, and VueJs app development using SharePoint rest Apis with the % of each depending on demand at any given time.
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