Software Engineer

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Job location
Buckingham, TX, US
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6-GS-621835 Collaborated on the complete software development life cycle with the engineering, datascience, and the sales team. Worked on the highly flexible Nordic chips (NRF SDK52840) that supports Bluetooth technology, to develop the desired IoT solution. Writing code and scripts for applications, as well as installing, maintaining, and testing applications. Performed several diagnostic tests, to debug and try and solve the connectivity issues between various sensors on field. Use Cloud technologies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) to implement Edge Devices to efficiently send sensor data from the devices to the cloud, specifically to Amazon S3. Deployed Lambda functions onto devices using AWS IoT Core and Greengrass, utilizing Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol and topic subscriptions for invocation. Masters in Electrical Engineering or any computer related field of study and 12 months experience
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