simpsons funny cars // // this function would return a string of cleaned words // // $get_keywords = clean_spaces($keyword, false); // but we would then need to query each keyword // in a sql loop and merge any results \\??// // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $get_type = $type; switch ( $get_type ) { case 'videos'; $type_videos = 1; $row_id = 'video_id'; $media_comments = 'videocomments'; $type_query_rows = 'indexer, video_id, title, title_seo, date_uploaded, user_id, video_length, approved, public_private, description, tags, tags2, number_of_views'; break; case 'audios'; $type_audios = 2; $row_id = 'audio_id'; $media_comments = 'audiocomments'; $type_query_rows = 'indexer, audio_id, title, title_seo, date_uploaded, user_id, audio_length, approved, public_private, description, tags, number_of_views'; break; case 'images'; $type_images = 3; $row_id = 'image_id'; $media_comments = 'imagecomments'; $type_query_rows = 'indexer, image_id, gallery_id, title, title_seo, date_uploaded, user_id, approved, public_private, description, tags, number_of_views'; break; case 'groups'; //$type_groups = 4; $row_id = 'group_id'; $media_comments = 'groupcomments'; $type_query_rows = 'group_name, group_name_seo, public_private, todays_date, group_description, indexer, featured'; break; case 'blogs'; $type_blogs = 5; $row_id = 'blog_id'; $media_comments = 'blog_replys'; $type_query_rows = 'indexer, blog_owner, user_id, title, title_seo, description, tags, category, date_created, approved, number_of_views'; break; } $query_get_type = $get_type; if ( $query_get_type == 'groups' ) { $query_get_type = 'group_profile'; $page_guery = "SELECT indexer FROM $query_get_type WHERE (group_name like '%$keyword%' or group_description like '%$keyword%')"; $search_query = "SELECT $type_query_rows FROM $query_get_type WHERE (group_name like '%$keyword%' or group_description like '%$keyword%') LIMIT "; // $set_limit, $limit"; } else { $tag_cloud = make_tag_cloud( $get_type ); $tag_cloud_block = $tag_cloud[1]; $page_guery = "SELECT indexer FROM $query_get_type WHERE approved = 'yes' AND public_private = 'public' and (title like '%$keyword%' or tags like '%$keyword%' or description like '%$keyword%')"; $search_query = "SELECT $type_query_rows FROM $query_get_type WHERE approved = 'yes' AND public_private = 'public' and (title like '%$keyword%' or tags like '%$keyword%' or tags2 like '%$keyword%' or description like '%$keyword%') LIMIT "; // $set_limit, $limit"; } if ( $query_get_type == 'group_profile' ) { $limit = (int) mysql_real_escape_string( $config['search_page_limits'] ); $pagination = pagination($page_guery, $limit); $set_limit = $pagination[0]['set_limit']; $total_pages = $pagination[0]['total_pages']; $current_page = $pagination[0]['current_page']; $total_records = $pagination[0]['total_records']; $next_page = $pagination[0]['next_page']; $prev_page = $pagination[0]['prev_page']; $nl = $pagination[0]['nl']; $pl = $pagination[0]['pl']; $results_of = $current_page * $limit; $results_show = $set_limit + 1; if ( $results_of > $total_records ) $results_of = $total_records; if ( $set_limit == 0 ) $results_show = 1; if ( $total_records == 0 ) $results_show = 0; //define($get_type, true); // TODO // /* add group rating to search display re-write the 3 queries below using 1 JOIN query */ // END // $sql = $search_query . $set_limit .','. $limit; $query = @mysql_query($sql); while ($result = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $group_id = $result['indexer']; $sql2 = "SELECT indexer, video_id FROM group_videos WHERE group_id = $group_id AND video_status = 'active'"; $query2 = @mysql_query($sql2); $count_group_videos = @mysql_num_rows($query2); //get group video thumbnail if ($count_group_videos == 0) { $video_picture = 'default_no_group_video'; $group_video_id = 0; } else { $result2 = @mysql_fetch_array($query2); $group_video_id = mysql_real_escape_string($result2['video_id']); $sql0 = "SELECT indexer, video_id FROM videos WHERE indexer = $group_video_id"; $query0 = @mysql_query($sql0); $result0 = @mysql_fetch_array($query0); $group_video_image = $result0['video_id']; $video_picture = $result0['video_id']; $group_video_id = $result0['indexer']; } $video_array = array('video_picture' => $video_picture, 'group_video_id' => $group_video_id); $sql3 = "SELECT indexer FROM group_membership WHERE group_id = $group_id"; $query3 = @mysql_query($sql3); $count_group_members = @mysql_num_rows($query3); $sql4 = "SELECT member_username, member_id FROM group_membership WHERE group_id = $group_id AND group_admin = 'yes'"; $query4 = @mysql_query($sql4); $result4 = @mysql_fetch_array($query4); $admin_username = $result4['member_username']; $group_other_info = array('group_videos' => $count_group_videos, 'group_members' => $count_group_members, 'admin_username' => $admin_username); //merge arrays $group_array = @array_merge($result, $group_other_info, $video_array); $mygroups[] = $group_array; } } if ( $type == 'videos' || $type == 'audios' || $type == 'images' || $type == 'blogs' ) { $limit = (int) mysql_real_escape_string( $config['search_page_limits'] ); $pagination = pagination($page_guery, $limit); $set_limit = $pagination[0]['set_limit']; $total_pages = $pagination[0]['total_pages']; $current_page = $pagination[0]['current_page']; $total_records = $pagination[0]['total_records']; $next_page = $pagination[0]['next_page']; $prev_page = $pagination[0]['prev_page']; $nl = $pagination[0]['nl']; $pl = $pagination[0]['pl']; $result_search = array(); $sql = $search_query . $set_limit .','. $limit; $query = @mysql_query($sql); $results_of = $current_page * $limit; $results_show = $set_limit + 1; if ( $results_of > $total_records ) $results_of = $total_records; if ( $set_limit == 0 ) $results_show = 1; if ( $total_records == 0 ) $results_show = 0; define($get_type, true); while ($result1 = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $media_id = mysql_real_escape_string($result1['indexer']); $sql2 = "SELECT indexer FROM $media_comments WHERE $row_id = $media_id"; $query2 = @mysql_query($sql2); $comments_number = @mysql_num_rows($query2); $comments_array = array('comments' => $comments_number); $id = $media_id; if ( $get_type == 'videos' ) { $stars_array = stars_array($media_id); } else { include ('stars_include.php'); $stars_array = array('star1' => $star1,'star2' => $star2,'star3' => $star3, 'star4' => $star4,'star5' => $star5); } // we need dynamic media image query $result_image = $get_type; switch ( $result_image ) { case 'audios'; $pic_sql = "SELECT album_picture FROM audio_albums WHERE album_id = '$media_id' LIMIT 1"; $album_pic_result = @mysql_query($pic_sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array( $album_pic_result ); $album_pic_result = $row['album_picture']; if ( $album_pic_result != "" ) { $album_pic = 'addons/audio/images/album_images/' . $album_pic_result; } else { $album_pic = 'addons/audio/images/' . $default_album_pic; } $result_image_array = array('media_image' => $album_pic); break; case 'images'; $full_view = $result1['image_id']; $full_url = $config['site_base_url'] . '/addons/albums/images/'.$full_view; $result_image_array = array('media_image' => $full_url); break; case 'blogs'; $blog_owner = $result1['user_id']; $a1_sql = "SELECT file_name, approved FROM pictures WHERE user_id = $blog_owner"; $a1_result = @mysql_query($a1_sql); if (@mysql_num_rows($a1_result) != 0) { $a1_result = @mysql_fetch_array($a1_result); $a1_existing_file = $a1_result['file_name']; $a1_approved = $a1_result['approved']; if ($a1_approved == "yes") { $poster_picture = $config['site_base_url'] . '/pictures/' . $a1_existing_file; } else { $poster_picture = $config['site_base_url'] . "/themes/$user_theme/images/placeholder.gif"; } } else { $poster_picture = $config['site_base_url'] . "/themes/$user_theme/images/placeholder.gif"; } $result_image_array = array('media_image' => $poster_picture); break; } // end switch media images //merge arrays if ( sizeof($result_image_array) > 0 ) $result2 = @array_merge($result1, $comments_array, $stars_array, $result_image_array); else $result2 = @array_merge($result1, $comments_array, $stars_array); $result_search[] = $result2; } } //PAGINATION PLUS $url = 'search.php'; $additional_url_variable = "?keyword=$keyword&type=$type&page="; include_once('includes/'); //PAGINATION PLUS >> end // checking for any error codes $codes = $_GET['code']; $error_code = errorcodes($codes); if (!empty($error_code)) { $blk_notification = $error_code['error_display']; $message_type = $error_code['error_type']; $error_message =$error_code['error_message']; } // create dynamic template words $url_link = $get_type; if ( $url_link == 'images' ) $url_link = 'albums'; if ( $query_get_type == 'group_profile' ) { if ( $results_show == 0 ) $type_groups = '0'; else $type_groups = 4; } $get_type = ucwords($get_type); $get_type_word = substr($get_type, 0, -1); $page_title = $config['site_name'] . ' ' . $get_type_word . ' ' . $lang_search . ' ' . $lang_results . ' ' . $lang_for . ' ' . $keyword; $template = "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm"; $inner_template1 = "themes/$user_theme/templates/search_results.htm"; $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong; $TBS->NoErr = true; $TBS->LoadTemplate("$template"); if ( $query_get_type == 'group_profile' ) $TBS->MergeBlock('blkfeatured', $mygroups); else $TBS->MergeBlock('blkfeatured', $result_search); $TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT; $TBS->Show(); @mysql_close(); die(); function dieNice() { header("Location: index.php"); die(); } ?>