I used to fetch edu links using link and linkdomain using yahoo search operators.
Last i did a successfull search for edu links 2 years ago. But it is not working now.
Has the operators changed .
Kindly provide me the alternative to search operators or another resource to find edu links.
Example URL I am trying is
“link:http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/psat/scores +site:.edu -site:.com -site:.org -site:.net”
Site Explorer is being phased out, I’m surprised that you can even get to the page still.
This is a great list of SEO resources - http://www.bestrank.com/tools/
Thanks for the reply. Is there any specific tool that will fetch me backlinks for a indivijual page and also for a domain.
Try SEO MOz, the free service will show you the number at least.
yahoo site explorer as phased out ,for usage of site explorer we have to register an account with Bing webmaster tools