XLSX avoid large numbers from converting to exponential with real date format

In my xlsx sheet there is a date and number in sheet I am facing issue when I am trying to change the date formate with this below code then the number column converts to like this 919971692474 --> 9.19972E+11 and when I use this raw: true, code to prevent the +11 formate then the date column change to different formate.

var XLSX = require("xlsx");

var workbook = XLSX.readFile(req.file.filename, { type: "binary", cellText: false, cellDates: true });
let json_data = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets.Sheet1, { raw: false, dateNF: "yyyy-mm-dd" });


Please help me how to I manage both column to fix issues where date and number boll will fix and show as like showing in the sheet.

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