Wouldn’t you say these are 3 different responsibilities? If not, why not?
And, continuing on this line of thought, you noted a very good quote about SoC. Here it is again.
You nicely highlight the word responsibility, but ignored what is being said. Look at the last sentence.
A boundary is any logical or physical constraint which delineates a given set of responsibilities.
Responsibilities, not responsibility. It is plural, not singular. In other words, they could have written this.
A boundary is any logical or physical constraint which delineates a given set of classes, where each class represents a single responsibility.
So, can you now still stay so stubborn and insist SRP and SoC are the same thing? I’ll answer it for you. You can’t. You cannot use the definition of SoC to legitimize your monster class and at the same time use that definition to say your monster class also follows SRP. The above proves SoC and SRP are two different concepts. And thus, we are back to your monster class breaking SRP.