Working just the FIRST time only... HOW IF DESELECT SELECTED TEXT pressing again button re-selects it ...?

I have problem here that is SELECT TEXT IN div button click working just the FIRST time only… HOW IF DESELECT SELECTED TEXT pressing again button re-selects it … ???

<div id="code-pattern"></div>

    $('button#selectPatterncode').on('click', function(e) {

function selectText(containerid) {
    if (document.selection) {
        var range = document.body.createTextRange();
    } else if (window.getSelection) {
        var range = document.createRange();

Hi @mymac1, you might remove all ranges from the selection if the selection already contains the container; actually it would make sense to empty the selection anyway in case the user already selected some text inside the container, as merging ranges won’t work. For example:

function selectText (containerId) {
  var selection = window.getSelection()
  var container = document.getElementById(containerId)
  var isContainerSelected = selection.containsNode(container)
  var range = document.createRange()


  if (!isContainerSelected) {

here meaning
IF DESELECT text by pressing outside of it… then how SELECTED TEXT pressing again the button … ??? after pressing again fails re-selects it — is like button Not function… after first time select it…


IDK it works for me. Are there any errors in the browser console?

No error in console but…

I make this observation
after pressing again Selects it only if mouse clicked on the DIV

eg if text on the left clicked on the right **but in the DIV on the right** after pressing again fails re-selects it — is like button Not function…WHEN PRESS ABOVE OR BELOW THE DIV in other words Not pressing on the div itself...


BTW I am using jQuery Mobile and its swipe functionality…

console chrome

VM134 content.min.js:2 [Deprecation] Element.createShadowRoot is deprecated and will be removed in M73, around March 2019. Please use Element.attachShadow instead. See for more details.

No error in console but…

I make this observation
after pressing SELECT BUTTON again TEXT Selected it only if mouse clicked before (to deselect it) on the containing DIV

after pressing again fails re-selects it — is like button Not function…WHEN PRESS ABOVE OR BELOW THE DIV in other words NOT pressing on the CONTAINING div itself…

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