Wordpress Settings API Help Needed

Although there are many plugins available that can handle the Theme Options in the Wordpress Backend, but still I would like to go with the Wordpress settings API, but even after reading so many tutorials I am feeling struck.

Is there anyone in our community who has handled Wordpress settings API.

I wish to achieve these things →
Create Theme Options settings in typography where I can handle typography(Font type, Font size selection etc) for H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, strong, blockquote, p etc.

I can Import Google Fonts and they should be available to be applied in typography.

I have a basic understanding of theme-settings API such as →

I can create menus and sub menus through API →

function demo_add_options_page() {

	// Introduces a new top-level menu page
		'Demo Theme Options',			// The text to be displayed in the browser title bar
		'Demo Theme',					// The text to be used for the menu
		'manage_options',				// The required capability of users to access this menu
		'demo-theme-options',			// The slug by which this menu item is accessible
		'demo_theme_options_display'	// The name of the function used to display the page content
	// Introduce a submenu page specifically for the header options
		'demo-theme-options',			// The slug for the parent menu page to which this sub menu belongs
		'Header Options',				// The text that's rendered in the browser title bar
		'Header Options',				// The text to be rendered in the menu
		'manage_options',				// The capability required to access this menu item
		'header-options',				// The slug by which this sub menu is identified
		'demo_theme_options_display'	// The function used to display this options for this menu's page
	// Introduce a submenu page specifically for the footer options
		'demo-theme-options',			// The slug for the parent menu page to which this sub menu belongs
		'Footer Options',				// The text that's rendered in the browser title bar
		'Footer Options',				// The text to be rendered in the menu
		'manage_options',				// The capability required to access this menu item
		'footer-options',				// The slug by which this sub menu is identified
		'demo_theme_options_display'	// The function used to display this options for this menu's page

} // end demo_add_options_page
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'demo_add_options_page' );

I can create sections and fields like this →

 * Sections, Settings, and Fields

 * Registers a new settings field on the 'General Settings' page of the WordPress dashboard.
function demo_initialize_theme_options() {

	// Let's introduce a section for the header options
		'header_section',							// The ID to use for this section in attribute tags
		'Header Options',							// The title of the section rendered to the screen
		'demo_theme_header_description_display',	// The function used to render the options for this section
		'demo-theme-header-options'					// The ID of the page on which this section is rendered
	// Let's introduce a section for the footer options
		'display_header',							// The ID (or the name) of the field
		'Display Header Text',						// The text used to label the field
		'demo_header_text_display',					// The callback function used to render the field
		'demo-theme-header-options',				// The page on which we'll be rendering this field
		'header_section'							// The section to which we're adding the setting

	// Let's introduce a section to be rendered on the new options page
		'footer_section',							// The ID to use for this section in attribute tags
		'Footer Options',							// The title of the section rendered to the screen
		'demo_theme_footer_description_display',	// The function used to render the options for this section
		'demo-theme-footer-options'					// The ID of the page on which this section is rendered

	// Define the settings field
		'footer_message', 					// The ID (or the name) of the field
		'Theme Footer Message', 			// The text used to label the field
		'demo_footer_message_display', 		// The callback function used to render the field
		'demo-theme-footer-options',		// The page on which we'll be rendering this field
		'footer_section'					// The section to which we're adding the setting
	// Register the settings for the header section
		'header_section',					// The name of the group of settings
		'header_options',					// The name of the actual option (or setting)
		'demo_sanitize_header_options'		// The callback to footer sanitization option
	// Register the 'footer_message' setting with the 'General' section
		'footer_section',					// The name of the group of settings
		'footer_options',					// The name of the actual option (or setting)
		'demo_sanitize_footer_options'		// The callback to footer sanitization option
} // end demo_initialize_theme_options
add_action( 'admin_init', 'demo_initialize_theme_options' );

But now coming to what I want seems complicated to a beginer like me, and I am feeling lost. Perhaps If I have a sample code for my requirement then I can read and learn. Looking forward. Thanks!

Do you want to give the user the ability to upload their own Google font in your theme? I am not sure I understand your question, give me a case scenario of what you want to use the Settings API for?

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