I am trying to setup a woocommerce stripe gateway plugin to work with the checkout of my wordpress website but I cannot get it to work.
All I get is a couple of spinning circle preloading animations which never stop as seen in the image below and cannot get it to unblock the payments section of the form
I have deactivated woopayments plugin in case it is causing conflicts, I have deactivated all of my other plugins except for other woocommerce plugins, woocommerce stripe gateway, and wordfence security.
I have also switched from my Betheme wordpress theme to the default 2024 wordpress theme and I am still having issues with the payments part of the form being blocked by the preloader/spinner block ui overlay.
I dont know very much about javascript so I am assuming this is a javascript issue?
It… sounds like one, because it looks like the page failed to clear away a loading placeholder. Without being able to see the page, I dont know that I can say any more than that.
Thanks m_hutley
here is a link to the offending page
You might have to load this product to the cart first, this is currently the only product that can be tested with the checkout
Well, that page generates 3 404’s all looking for the same PNG, and then a Forbidden (403) error trying to reach for /home/?wx-ajax=update_order_review.
If i had to guess, it’s that 403 thats causing the problem… the page is waiting for the order review to load, and it never does, because it’s Forbidden.
I have fixed the issue with the missing png file
Still getting the 403 for wx-ajax=update_order_review I am not sure if the code should be pointing to a home folder that I cannot see in cpanel? I am not sure if that is normal?
I have my webosting provider having a closer look at this to see if this is an issue at their end.
Can anyone give me some ideas about whether an ajax query posting to a nonexistent home directory is normal?
Is this the cause of my problem?
All sorted
403 errror was due to an old 301 redirect that I forgot about.
Deleted that redirect from cpanel and stripe is now working
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Glad to hear you got it sorted. Yeah…there was no way in hades I was gonna be able to come up with that answer.