I am so glad to see that you are taking this so seriously at your age.
I am trying to get something going here on the Oregon Coast to show kids that with some skills, they can create their own business.
Keep it up!
I am so glad to see that you are taking this so seriously at your age.
I am trying to get something going here on the Oregon Coast to show kids that with some skills, they can create their own business.
Keep it up!
Lol well one day I want my own web design firm…or at least get hired to one. At my age no company has yet to hire me because of this prejudice…flat out I just hate tables. Never learned them to a full extent…never hope I will have to.
Same link I posted in post #9
Only if you need to support older browsers that don’t support CSS properly such as IE7 and earlier. With any browser following the CSS 2.1 standards you can use display:table, display:table-row, and display:table-cell in your CSS to produce layout tables properly while still using semantic HTML.
Which is a huge chunk of the market right now…
i m a newbie in here so i can’t post links in there … so put the short form of my link
use the regular syntax of link before it … ‘ht’ + ‘tp:’ + ‘//’ + ‘ww’ + ‘w.’
so for good seo prospective table-less design is need and it seems that you all agree with laying out using tables are slower process than using CSS Div Tags.
[B][COLOR=“Red”]But still haven’t got my answer , in forums why people use Tables… like this forum…
This forum is laying out by using Tables…[/COLOR][/B]
You can see those if you use Web developer tool in Firefox…
and the screenshot of my example
use the regular syntax of link before it … ‘ht’ + ‘tp:’ + ‘//’
use the regular syntax of link before it … ‘ht’ + ‘tp:’ + ‘//’
In my opinion http://i43.tinypic.com/2qd5pqg.jpg should not be marked up as tabular data. You could mark up as an unordered list. Now if you had these categorized by price or in alphabetical order than an ordered list would be the right markup.
Go to your SitePoint Forums - User Control Panel and look at:
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This entire module is tabular data… Now some of the things that are marked as tables I disagree with.
Because some software that was created back before browsers supported CSS properly still hasn’t been completely rewritten to use the right way of doing things now that browsers do support the correct way. They have the excuse that it didn’t work without using tables when they wrote it - an excuse that people creating new sites today do not have.
I think this the most specific answer that i m looking for… thanks