I’m just learning JavaScript at the moment. I created a function to check regex of a form field but it only works in IE…
function regexChecker($value3,$value1,$value2) {
var $requiredField = document.getElementById($value1);
var $regexPattern = /^[0-9]{4}$/;
if ( !$regexPattern.test($requiredField.value)) {
// Create error message
var $errorMessageOne = $value2;
// Add error message variable document using createTextNode method
var $firstError = document.createTextNode($errorMessageOne);
// Create HTML element where error message will be placed in
var $firstPara = document.createElement("p");
// Set class attribute or warning
$firstPara.className = "warning";
// Append error message to HTML element
// create variable for the text field in question
var $textField = document.getElementById($value3);
// append error message to bottom of $textField
// Changes background colour of field to yellow if not correct
$requiredField.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffcc";
// Changes border colour of field to red if not correct
$requiredField.style.borderColor = "red";
return false;
Notice that none of the elements within the form have an id. If you use the label tag to associate the label with the input field (as you should do) you would then use an id tag so that the label knows what input field to associate with.
With or without labels, the script should not assume the existence of an id on its elements.
The script is associated with the form by attaching the script to the forms submit event.
var form = document.getElementById('login');
form.onsubmit = validateForm;
This allows us to directly access the form element from the attached function via tht this keyword. We can then uses the form’s “elements” object to access the form elements. The elements object is accessed using the names on the form elements themself.
function validateForm() {
var form = this,
username = form.elements.username,
password = form.elements.password;
// carry on with the validation
After which you can then carry on working with the form elements.
As it’s an error message, you could give it a class of “error” so that you can then style it appropriately.
Another benefit of using the class of “error” is that your script can use getElementsByClassName(‘error’) so that you can then remove them.
I couldn’t find a cohesive summary on how to properly use getElementsByClassName, so last month I put together some information on getting elements by class name
getElementById was introduced in DOM Level 2. Before then we used document.all and document.layers and other techniques instead. This meant that you would see older code checking if one or the exists, before using it.
These days, getElementById is in virtually all web browsers that are used today.
When it comes to getElementsByClassName, that’s something that has only been added to web browsers within the past couple of years as a part of supporting HTML5. Modern web browsers know how to do getElementsByClassName, but other web browsers (Internet Explorer included) don’t know how.
As a result, if you want to use getElementsByClassName you can check if it’s available, and if not you can then teach the web browser how to do it. That’s the basis on how compatibility code works, and is what allows you to use it even where it is not supported.