Why are my mail() emails indenting each paragraph?

When I receive the following email in my inbox, the word Dear is on the left. All other paragraphs are indented. Normally I put the whole message in double quotes and I don’t have this problem, but I’m trying to keep my code more organized by using proper indentation. Unfortunately it’s affecting the output of my emails. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this one?



$formFirstName = "Robert";

		// Indenting this code for organizational purposes
		$text = 'Dear ' . $formFirstName . ',
		We need you to confirm your registration. This helps to prevent fraudulent spambot entries from entering our database.  To finalize your account, and be eligible for posting your own testimonials, please click on the following link.
		Here is a new paragraph with the users  ' . $formFirstName . '.
		Thank you';

$subject = "Confirm your registration $formFirstName";
$text = wordwrap($text,70);
$headers = "From: Oil-Testimonials.com <support@oil-testimonials.com>\\r\
$headers .= "Reply-To: support@oil-testimonials.com\\r\
$headers .= "Return-Path: support@oil-testimonials.com\\r\
mail("robert@recordaudio.net", $subject, $text, $headers);

print ("Email has been sent.");

Remove the indents from within the data itself.


$formFirstName = "Robert";

		// Indenting this code for organizational purposes
		$text = 'Dear ' . $formFirstName . ',
We need you to confirm your registration. This helps to prevent fraudulent spambot entries from entering our database.  To finalize your account, and be eligible for posting your own testimonials, please click on the following link.
Here is a new paragraph with the users  ' . $formFirstName . '.
Thank you';

$subject = "Confirm your registration $formFirstName";
$text = wordwrap($text,70);
$headers = "From: Oil-Testimonials.com <support@oil-testimonials.com>\\r\
$headers .= "Reply-To: support@oil-testimonials.com\\r\
$headers .= "Return-Path: support@oil-testimonials.com\\r\
mail("robert@recordaudio.net", $subject, $text, $headers);

print ("Email has been sent.");

You do have to make sure those spaces are not in the string. Here’s another way to do it while keeping the indention of the code. Note that "
" is a new line and I’m just concatenating the pieces together.

      $text = "Dear {$formFirstName},\
" .
      "We need you to confirm your registration. This helps to prevent fraudulent spambot entries from entering our database.  To finalize your account, and be eligible for posting your own testimonials, please click on the following link.\
" .
      "Here is a new paragraph with the users  {$formFirstName}.\
" .
      'Thank you';