Where to find grid psd to design wordpress site?

Hi everyone,

I am about to design custom WordPress theme which will be converted into dynamic wordpress but I am stuck I know we have to follow frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation to come up with responsive design approach as of today’s I’m already well-versed about it but the problem is that where to find the PSD of that grid.

Let’s say I am intending to make a site that will be responsive and will be displayed on monitor, laptop, tablet, and smartphone so I have to choose the 1200px grid system but I visited bootstrap and there is no PSD version of that grid.

I want to design the site with consistency so that will be not difficult to convert the design into HTML and CSS.

Thanks in advance for your help

Well, you say that “you are about to design” a custom theme.
So, you will also have to create those grids, after your design - no one will just “convert” from your design.