I just want to ask, where should I install the socket.io modules ?,in my project folder ?
Thank you in advance.
I just want to ask, where should I install the socket.io modules ?,in my project folder ?
Thank you in advance.
Yes. In your project root install them with npm install
Have you done the Socket.io tutorial? It covers this.
No I have not yet read the tutorial in your link,…so meaning if we create a new project that we want to use some other modules like express or other modules (I did not know yet what are they)…we need to issues the npm command in our working project ?
Thank you in advance.
I’d suggest having a read through the documentation on the npm site, as it covers this sort of thing. You might also find this article useful about where node.js looks for modules.
If I was using Socket.io, this would be the first thing I would look at.
You can download the tutorial code form GitHub and it doesn’t seem to take too long to complete.
Takes about 10min. They also have a more advanced one in their examples.
(which also demonstrates how to install it… )
Thank you all
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