Where am I losing my array?

I am using a news module in Bonfire, which is an extension of the Code Igniter framework… It seems to be working fine at http://brolu.net/news, but when I try to post the same array to [URL=“http://brolu.net/”]http://brolu.net/ it’s just printing “Array”.


<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * Bonfire
 * An open source project to allow developers get a jumpstart their development of CodeIgniter applications
 * @package   Bonfire
 * @author    Bonfire Dev Team
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012, Bonfire Dev Team
 * @license   http://guides.cibonfire.com/license.html
 * @link      http://cibonfire.com
 * @since     Version 1.0
 * @filesource

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Home controller
 * The base controller which displays the homepage of the Bonfire site.
 * @package    Bonfire
 * @subpackage Controllers
 * @category   Controllers
 * @author     Bonfire Dev Team
 * @link       http://guides.cibonfire.com/helpers/file_helpers.html
class Home extends Front_Controller

	 * Displays the homepage of the Bonfire app
	 * @return void
	public function index()
		$count = 7;
		$startIndex = 0;
		$data['articles'] = modules::run('news/get_article_list',$count,$startIndex);
		Template::set('news_list',$this->load->view('news/news_list',$data, true));
	}//end index()


}//end class


<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
	Class: News_model

	The central way to access and perform CRUD on news articles.
class News_model extends BF_Model {

	protected $table		= 'news_articles';
	protected $soft_deletes	= true;
	protected $date_format	= 'int';
	protected $set_modified = true;
	protected $set_created 	= true;

	public function __construct()


		Method: insert()

		Creates a new news article in the database.

		Required parameters sent in the $data array:
			- title
			- body

		If no _category_id_ is passed in the $data array, it
		will assign the default category. If no _status_id_ is passed in the $data array, it
		will assign the default status.

			$data	- An array of news article information.

			$id	- The ID of the new news article.
	public function insert($data=array(), $auth = NULL)
		if (!$this->_function_check(false, $data))
			return false;

		if (!isset($data['title']) || empty($data['title']))
			$this->error = 'No Title present.';
			return false;

		if (!isset($data['body']) || empty($data['body']))
			$this->error = 'No Body given.';
			return false;

		//Removed because $data['date'] is current a timestamp
    	//$data['date'] = strtotime($data['date']);

		$data['attachment'] = (isset($data['attachment']) && !empty($data['attachment']) ? $data['attachment'] : '');

		$data['image_align'] = (isset($data['image_align']) && !empty($data['image_align']) ? $data['image_align'] : '');

		$data['image_caption'] = (isset($data['image_caption']) && !empty($data['image_caption']) ? $data['image_caption'] : '');

		 //Removed because $data['date_published'] is current a timestamp
		//$data['date_published'] = (isset($data['date_published']) && !empty($data['date_published']) ? strtotime($data['date_published']) : $data['date']);
		if(!is_int($data['date_published']) && strlen($data['date_published']) == 10){
			$data['date_published'] = $data['date'];

		$data['author'] = $data['created_by'] = $data['modified_by'] = (isset($data['author']) && !empty($data['author'])) ? $data['author'] : (($auth != NULL) ? $auth->user_id() : 1);

		// What's the default category?
		$data['category_id'] = (!isset($data['category_id']))? 1 : $data['category_id'];

		// What's the default status?
		$data['status_id'] = (!isset($data['status_id']))? 1 : $data['status_id'];

		$id = parent::insert($data);

		Events::trigger('after_create_news', $id);

		return $id;


		Method: update()

		Updates an existing news article.alt combo if both password and pass_confirm are passed in.
			- store the country code

			$id		- An INT with the news article's ID.
			$data	- An array of key/value pairs to update for the news article.

	public function update($id=null, $data=array())
		if ($id)
			$trigger_data = array('article_id'=>$id, 'data'=>$data);
			Events::trigger('before_news_update', $trigger_data);

		$return = parent::update($id, $data);

		if ($return)
			$trigger_data = array('user_id'=>$id, 'data'=>$data);
			Events::trigger('after_news_update', $trigger_data);

		return $return;


		Method: find()

		Finds an individual news article record. Also returns role information for
		the news article.

			$id	- An INT with the news article's ID.

			An object with the news article's information.
	public function find($id=null)
		if (empty($this->selects))
			$this->select($this->table .'.*, category');

		$this->db->join('news_categories', 'news_categories.id = news_articles.category_id', 'left');

		return parent::find($id);


		Method: find_all()

		Returns all news article records, and their associated category information.

			$show_deleted	- If false, will only return non-deleted news articles. If true, will
				return both deleted and non-deleted news articles.

			An array of objects with each news article's information.
	public function find_all($show_deleted=false)
		if (empty($this->selects))
			$this->select($this->table .'.*, category');

		if ($show_deleted === false)
			$this->db->where('news_articles.deleted', 0);

		$this->db->join('news_categories', 'news_categories.id = news_articles.category_id', 'left');
		$this->db->join('news_status', 'news_status.id = news_articles.status_id', 'left');

		return parent::find_all();


		Method: find_by()

		Locates a single news article based on a field/value match, with their category information.

			$field	- A string with the field to match.
			$value	- A string with the value to search for.

			An object with the user's info, or false on failure.
	public function find_by($field=null, $value=null)
		$this->db->join('news_categories', 'news_categories.id = news_articles.category_id', 'left');
		$this->db->join('news_status', 'news_status.id = news_articles.status_id', 'left');

		if (empty($this->selects))
			$this->select($this->table .'.*, category');

		return parent::find_by($field, $value);

	public function get_articles( $published = true, $limit = -1, $offset = 0)
		$articles = null;

		if ($limit != -1 && $offset == 0)
		} else if ($limit != -1 && $offset > 0)
		$this->db->order_by('date', 'desc');

		if ($published === true)

		$query = $this->db->get($this->table);
		if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
			$articles = $query->result();

		//$articles = $this->news_model->find_all_by('status_id',3);
		//print ($this->db->last_query()."<br />");
		return $articles;


	public function get_article($article_id = false, $published = true)

		$article = false;
		if ($article_id === false)
			$this->errors = "No article ID was received.";
			return false;

		if ( $published === true )

		$query = $this->db->get($this->table);

		if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
			$article = $query->row();


		//$articles = $this->news_model->find_all_by('status_id',3);
		//print ($this->db->last_query()."<br />");
		return $article;


		Method: count_by_categories()

		Returns the number of news articles that belong to each role.

			An array of objects representing the number in each role.
	public function count_by_categories()
		$prefix = $this->db->dbprefix;

		$sql = "SELECT category, COUNT(1) as count FROM {$prefix}news_articles, {$prefix}news_categories
						WHERE {$prefix}news_articles.category_id = {$prefix}news_categories.id GROUP BY {$prefix}news_articles.category_id";

		$query = $this->db->query($sql);

		if ($query->num_rows())
			return $query->result();

		return false;


		Method: count_all()

		Counts all news articles in the system.

			$get_deleted	- If false, will only return active news_articles. If true,
				will return both deleted and active news_articles.

			An INT with the number of news_articles found.
	public function count_all($get_deleted = false)
		if ($get_deleted)
			// Get only the deleted users
			$this->db->where('news_articles.deleted !=', 0);
			$this->db->where('news_articles.deleted', 0);

		return $this->db->count_all_results('news_articles');


	public function get_default_category()

		$query = $this->db->select('id')->where('default',1)->get('news_categories');
		if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
			return $query->row()->id;
		} else {
			return 1;


	public function get_news_categories()
		$query = $this->db->select('id, category')->get('news_categories');

		if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
			return $query->result();
		} else {
			return null;


	public function get_news_categories_select ( )
		$table          = $this->table;
		$this->table	= 'news_categories';

		$options = $this->format_dropdown('id', 'category');

		$this->table    = $table;
		unset ( $table );

		return $options;


	public function get_default_status()
		$query = $this->db->select('id')->where('default',1)->get('news_status');
		if ( $query->num_rows() > 0 )
			return $query->row()->id;
		} else {
			return 1;



	public function get_news_statuses_select ( )
		$query = $this->db->select('id, status')->get('news_status');

		if ( $query->num_rows() <= 0 )
			return '';

		$option = array();

		foreach ($query->result() as $row)
			$row_id          = (int) $row->id;
			$option[$row_id] = $row->status;


		return $option;


	public function get_news_statuses()
		$query = $this->db->select('id, status')->get('news_status');

		if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
			return $query->result();
		} else {
			return null;


		Method: count_all()

		Counts all news articles in the system.

			$get_deleted	- If false, will only return active news_articles. If true,
				will return both deleted and active news_articles.

			An INT with the number of news_articles found.
	public function count_all_by_field($field = false, $value = false, $get_deleted = false)

		if ($get_deleted)
			// Get only the deleted users
			$this->db->where('news_articles.deleted !=', 0);
			$this->db->where('news_articles.deleted', 0);

		return $this->db->count_all_results('news_articles');


		Method: delete()

		Performs a standard delete, but also allows for purging of a record.

			$id		- An INT with the record ID to delete.
			$purge	- If false, will perform a soft-delete. If true, will permenantly
				delete the record.

	public function delete($id=0, $purge=false)
		if ($purge === true)
			// temporarily set the soft_deletes to true.
			$this->soft_deletes = false;
		return parent::delete($id);



// End User_model class

and Finally the view:

<div class="container">

	<div class="hero-unit">
		<h1>Welcome to Bonfire.</h1>

		<p>Kickstart your CodeIgniter applications.</p>

<?php if (isset($articles)) :

<?php if (isset($current_user->email)) : ?>

	<div class="alert alert-info" style="text-align: center">
		<?php echo anchor(SITE_AREA, "Dive into Bonfire's Springboard"); ?>

<?php else :?>

	<p style="text-align: center">
		<?php echo anchor('/login', '<i class="icon-lock icon-white"></i> '. lang('bf_action_login'), ' class="btn btn-primary btn-large" '); ?>

<?php endif;?>


Any help would be greatly appreciated… Sorry for posting all of the model, but I thought it best to err on the side of overkill.

Found it… it wasn’t even in the code at all, it was in the directory structure. Starting with where it was looking for the “views” and then a few language and helper files.