I am trying to click on another members profile and view theirs with the add as friend or remove as friend links but it keeps coming back to my own profile. I believe it is because of the $_SESSION[SESS_ID] I have in the $sqlArray. What am I suppose to use to get the other members profile when I click on it. Or somehow it is not working at all.
$friendLink = "";
$the_chat_form = "";
$iFriend_array = "";
if (isset($_SESSION['SESS_ID']) && $_SESSION['SESS_ID'] != $id) {
// If SESSION id is set, AND it does not equal the profile owner's ID
// SQL Query the friend array for the logged in viewer of this profile if not the owner
$sqlArray = mysql_query("SELECT friend_array FROM myMembers WHERE id='" . $_SESSION['SESS_ID'] ."' LIMIT 1");
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sqlArray)) { $iFriend_array = $row["friend_array"]; }
$iFriend_array = explode(",", $iFriend_array);
if (in_array($id, $iFriend_array)) { $friendLink = '<a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleInteractContainers(\\'remove_friend\\');">Remove Friend</a>';
} else {
$friendLink = '<a href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:toggleInteractContainers(\\'add_friend\\');">Add as Friend</a>';
This is the javascript I put in the second line to see if it is getting the connection and it is not.
function toggleInteractContainers(x) {
if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) {
} else {
function toggleViewAllFriends(x) {
if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) {
} else {
function toggleViewMap(x) {
if ($('#'+x).is(":hidden")) {
} else {
// Friend adding and accepting stuff
function addAsFriend(a,b) {
var friendRequestURL = "scripts_for_profile/request_as_friend.php";
$.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "requestFriendship", mem1: a, mem2: b } ,function(data) {
function acceptFriendRequest (x) {
var friendRequestURL = "scripts_for_profile/request_as_friend.php";
$.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "acceptFriend", reqID: x } ,function(data) {
function denyFriendRequest (x) {
var friendRequestURL = "scripts_for_profile/request_as_friend.php";
$.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "denyFriend", reqID: x } ,function(data) {
// End Friend adding and accepting stuff
// Friend removal stuff
function removeAsFriend(a,b) {
var friendRequestURL = "scripts_for_profile/request_as_friend.php";
$.post(friendRequestURL,{ request: "removeFriendship", mem1: a, mem2: b } ,function(data) {