What's the point of JavaScript?

Curiosity as to what is the actual point of JavaScript? A lot of the stuff JavaScript use to do now is done in HTML & CSS easier. So from my point of view JavaScript isn’t really a much of a need. JavaScript suppose to be the behavior of a site. Honestly CCS3 can handle a lot of the behavior as well. Apart from that learning JavaScript is a bit hard since most book only speak of what the stuff is rather than explain bits by bits of why that code because what it is and why is it used there precisely. This is my ipinion and though since JavaScript is driving me crazy :frowning: give me your though and please correct me if I messed up in anything, Thanks.

Au Revoir Tour Le Monde, J.A.V

I don’t really know where to begin.
There’s so much that JavaScript can do and that CSS cannot do (and will never be able to do), such as detecting when an event has fired in your browser, or submitting an AJAX request.
Comparing CSS and JavaScript is like comparing apples and oranges IMO.

JavaScript:The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language