Whats The Best Way To Promote Teespring T-shirts To Facebook Groups & Not Get Banned?

I plan on promoting most of the t-shirts on some facebook groups like dog lovers

First I’m going to join a lot of groups & post some funny dog pics & then
I will post my teespring links promoting my shirt.

I think there’s two ways to go about this one way is to promote the t-shirts by just
informing them about my new t-shirt design.

Another way is to create 3-4 different designs & contact the admins of the groups
& offer to split the profits 50/50 with them for promoting the t-shirts to there members.

Here’s some questions I have before I do all this.

How many facebook groups can I safely post to in a day to keep from getting banned
for posting to much & to quickly & how many hour’s do I have to wait to post there again.

Do I have to use a different ip address & clear all the cache & junk like cookies
before I switch to a totally different facebook account & profile with a different email

If I use the same teespring links on different facebook accounts facebook will
catch on to this pretty quickly & ban me, will using bitly work for creating different
types of links or are is there a better service besides bitly.

Well, first of all you have come to the wrong place to ask questions about exploiting Facebook and it’s policies. My recommendations is this: if you have these types of questions then contact Facebook directly to ask your questions.


I have a friend that sells her “crafts” on FaceBook and has been doing so for years.

BUT she does not post to groups. She posts to her Wall and those that are her Friends see the promotions because they are willing to.

IMHO, that is the best way

As @William_Peterson says, we do not accept posts asking for help to break the ToS of another site. I suggest you take time to read those terms, and then rethink your strategy.


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