What to open a private webpage in php

hi i am thinking about a website where i am put some files and registered user can access those file file users have two page one is public area and private area public area means where we put multiple product item and when registered user submit anything from public area then the product copy on to users private area somebody please help i am using php for coding and mysql for database.thanks in advance:)

I would recommend beginning by researching how to serve files outside the site root. Obviously from there you are also going to require building an authentication system and possible authorization. So I would also recommend looking into those things if you aren’t familiar.

I think if you search for “roles” it should help. As oddz said, any “special” files should be outside of root and only accessible via script to logged in authenticated members.

You’ll need a database table or other way to keep track of the “approveds” and SESSION vars from login should do the rest for you.

You should download the free code archive here. This archive is all the code for Kevin Yank’s book, ‘PHP and MYSQL Novice to Ninja’. Chapter 9 ‘Cookies, Sessions and Access Control’ explains how to do all this.
I recommend this book, it is great. I have been working through it all summer and learnt a huge amount.
Hope that’s helpful.