What is this Red dot in the Wordpress sidebar?

What is that Red dot in the Media menu item of the Wordpress sidebar called? I assume it is indicating there is 1 item we need to do something about but I do not understand what that is. For now I am just asking what terminology to use to search for an answer.


Think most people would call it a Notification.


Thank you. I thought so but when I search using that term I find stuff about something different. I think what I find is answers for social networking types of things; in WordPress terms I guess it would be notifications related to posts.

I forgot to mention that this is for administrator’s sidebar. Hopefully experienced WordPress people recognize that but I should have said so.

How to remove the red circle notification icon? | WordPress.org is very similar. It shows the same Red circle except for a different menu item. Unless I find something that sounds more official, I will try using red circle notification icon.

Un checked Notification

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