What is micodata?

How can I improve my web page at SEO point of view with the help of microdata. Please guide me everything about microdata.

You’ll find plenty of information out there if you search. This is a good place to start and should tell you everything you need to know.

Do you think everyone should use Microdata? Like should small businesses use Microdata to push ahead in the SEO race or is it mostly for bigger more expansive websites?

I think local businesses should use it, particularly if you have some reviews or testimonials that were given to you and are not displayed on any other website on the internet. By marking them up with microdata you create the potential for that review to show up under your listing, and the best part is you get to choose exactly what reviews you mark up with microdata on your site.

@revium, thanks for tid bit of info on local sites.

What do you think about implementing microdata for e-commerce shopping sites?

For example like shoes or purses?

From my understanding and research microdata was pretty much made for e-commerce websites. This is to get your products, prices and reviews (like the star ratings) to show up in the search results. For instance: If you google “Playstation 3 Amazon” you can see a star rating, price and so on in the first link! So Definitely use it for e-commerce.

Here’s an article on the best way to use it: Link

I would agree with Howdy_McGee that it is a good thing to implement on an e-commerce website. I can see no downside, other then the time to implement and maintain the microdata code, of adding it to your website. Here is a link to the microdata implementation for products if you were not aware of it.

Microdata or Microformat data is a new feature for HTML5, and specific for e-commerce site. For more information about how to use, you can search on google or start at schema.org. I think you should your this feature even your site is not e-commerce one, because google will have higher appreciation to your site whic is designing and using all features for HTML5.

After looking at schema.org and poking around the internet a bit I noticed Microdata can be applied to non-ecommerce local websites as well. You could apply microdata to almost any website including law firm sites or restaurants.

For example, the snippet for a restaurant might show the average review and price range.

Check it out @ http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=99170