What do you do when you get a *bad* vibe from the first talk with a future client?

So I want to ask all of you what do you do when the chemistry isn’t really there. And what happens when due to distance you can’t see your future client?
If it has been asked/answered before I apologise. Couldn’t find anything related.

Well, the above questions came to me from my very recent experience. So this client asks me if I can do the job, I asked him to tell me a bit about this and what is it that he wants (he has a template and wants some design graphics that it’s actually cloning another site which I don’t even know if that’s legal but they say it is as it belongs to one of their partners) and wanted me to start instantly.

When I said what’s your time limit for this he said I want it asap without giving me any time range.

The promised money is good so I’m tempted in taking this but I have this weird feeling in my stomach :S. It might sound silly and immature but I would like your help since I’m trying to make a living here :).

However I insisted on a deposit and he agreed.

Is there something I’m missing? Do you accept jobs even if there is something that makes you go hmm but you need the money, or do you ignore them cause you prefer your piece of mind?

Does that sound like a scam to you?

Heh, you all are right and I agree with you guys.
So I said before I did get bad vibes from him so I told the guy that I’m wiling to work hard of course but I requested for a deposit.
So I emailed him my terms, a time schedule of the work flow and my deposit offer of 30%.

Before I sent him that, he was really pushy and he has already given me his FTP info cause he wanted me to start working instantly. He was even worried how he will monitor my progress.

In the past I would have bought it and would have start working. But luckily this time I didn’t.

Once the guy saw he couldn’t trick me into working for him for free he never contacted me again.

Bottom line? Our insticts are always right! :slight_smile:

And I guess it’s what AlexDawson said. We do work hard anyway, we don’t need to have also the stress of the fear of being ripped of.

If I get a bad vibe from a client, I normally turn down the project… I don’t want to be going through the hassle of running a business, working on someone’s project AND on top of that be stressed at the thought that I might be ripped off or otherwise suffer severely at the hands of someone else. I’ve been burned in the past by people so I know too well that if you feel something smells off, it’s time to put the cards on the table and walk away. No amount of money is worth degrading yourself into something that will make you emotionally suffer. Knowing when to say “no” is an important skill to learn! :slight_smile:

Trust your instinct, that is what it is there for! money only blinds.

If something about the client doesn’t feel right, make sure you get a hefty deposit.
Make sure that you have a watertight contract in place and do not compromise yourself in any event.
Keep a log and record of events.
Do not let go of the completed work until you have received payment in full.

OK, that’s the easy bit; now ask yourself if you really should be working for this guy and if the answer is “not sure”, forget the money and walk away.

IMO people who will steal a template are probably cheap scammers who will rip you off as soon as they get a chance.

I have been stuck working with some problem clients and it sucked… so now I feel people out and if I get a bad feeling i politely tell them I won’t be able to take the job. A really bad client is worse then no client IMO some clients will cause way more trouble then they are worth.

The other week I was talking to one potential client and I got a really bad feeling about it then he started getting aggressive and demanding (I hadn’t even agreed to the job yet) so I told him I would be able to do the job, He get all hostile and starts yelling and walks out say “I am wasting my time”
I was so glad I didn’t take any money and get stuck working with him…