strong points: nothing
weak points: nothing
Usually you start the thread with your own answers.
is it ok now
Strong points: [size=1]
- Determination
- Honesty
- Speed
- I’ll challenge anyone in a dish-washing contest :dodgy:
Weak points:[size=1] - Addictions
- Honesty
- Lazyness
- Pickyness
Strong points:
- Perfectionist
Weak points:
- Perfectionist
This isn’t a bloody job interview…
Thanks for coming in John, don’t call us - we’ll call you.
This would be the part where I explode their/your brain using ESP… Had I had ESP that could explode your brain…
Strong points: Focus, Energy, passion and determination.
Weak point: You know…the family jewels
Strong Point: Ummm… Pass.
Weak Point: Self-Indulgent, defending my iPod…
strong point: perseverance, patience, tough
weak point: i love my self
strong points : no weak points
weak points: liar
You’re not a designer, are ya?
Strong points:
Charming personality
Radiant Aura
unimaginable strength
Divine innovativeness
Meriful personality
Weak points:
Tends to spend more time posting at sitepoint than doing actual work.
Leap over tall buildings
Shoot heat rays out my eyes
Freeze things with my breath
Super Strong
Faster than a speeding bullet.
Oh wait, that’s not me, that’s Superman…
absolutely :agree:
strong points:
hyper active workaholic
weak points:
hate people (majorly anti-social)
perfectionist and Id rather (do it myself than watch someone else try)