What App company should I go with?

I’m looking for some advice on what app company to go with for my companies first app.

In this industry reputation is everything, so I’ve been looking at companies that have worked on similar projects. Apadmi , for example, have worked with a few big players (Argos, BBC, Thomas Cook) - so you’d figure they know what they’re doing.

However I’m just looking for some more advice on the matter. Has anyone here used anyone they can really recommend? Or warn me to avoid!


Welcome to the forums, @bethanypembrook.

“App company” and “my companies first app” are rather vague phrases. You might get a better response if you give a little more information about your requirements. For example, what niche is your company in, and what is the purpose of the proposed app? What (roughly) is your budget for this? Do you require a UK-based company or is location unimportant?


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