Weird Duplication issue Wordpress - Themify Ultra Theme

Hey guys, I have a weird issue going on with my theme. Everything works great but on one page I am getting a duplication of content on the same page.

You can see what I am talking about here.

Using the Themify theme, I can “Turn on the Builder” to edit this page.
This will bring me to an on page editor.

I can hit a button that says, Backend (which takes me to the Wordpress back office to the specific page editor.

The weird thing is that the text you see on that page, comes up and also comes up twice.

Now you’d think I could just delete the duplicate text, but I’m afraid to because on all the other pages, text does not come up like that.

What comes up usually is a box that shows this (photo below)

You’ll see that it says THEMIFY BUILDER PLACE HOLDER

So on the page that’s having the error, instead of showing that box, it shows all the text of what’s on the page and is duplicated.

I’m hoping someone can help me out.

Hi BaliSurfCamp, welcome to the forums!

I’m not familiar with the Themify Builder you use, actually never tried it. So my thinking is that the code maybe got repeatedly pasted.

I think you could try delete the duplicates. But first, if you can, copy/save the page as a duplicate new page in the Builder and try fix that.

You already should have the text and images so you could also rebuild the page as a duplicate and if that is fine, then delete the whole faulty page and publish the new built.

Hope the above made some sense. Off to bed, it’s too late. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick response. I’ll give that a shot and see how I make out with it.

You know how it is sometimes, you change one thing and the whole world falls apart around you.


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